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Thread: X-Power Exhausts

  1. #31
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    Reading the way some of these posts are written surprised me. I then saw what time of day they were posted and suddenly it made sense. Perhaps a ban on all posting after 10pm....!

  2. #32
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    The problem is we all try and save money and with insurance you don't actually see what you have bought unless you need it, who actually reads the small print?

    I have a Transit van I use for work that is kitted for my work out so hiring a van does not work well. Last year I had a bump and it needed some repairs. My broker knows the situation and within less than 4 hours they had given authority for the work to be carried out. 6 days later and just over £5k later I was back in my van and 3 days of that was waiting for parts from Ford .The hire van I had to use was costing me £60 a day. Yes I am sure I could get my van insurance a few quid cheaper but the fact I had my van back so quickly makes me realise its not worth trying to save.


  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    The problem is we all try and save money and with insurance you don't actually see what you have bought unless you need it, who actually reads the small print?

    I have a Transit van I use for work that is kitted for my work out so hiring a van does not work well. Last year I had a bump and it needed some repairs. My broker knows the situation and within less than 4 hours they had given authority for the work to be carried out. 6 days later and just over £5k later I was back in my van and 3 days of that was waiting for parts from Ford .The hire van I had to use was costing me £60 a day. Yes I am sure I could get my van insurance a few quid cheaper but the fact I had my van back so quickly makes me realise its not worth trying to save.


    I think you’ve hit the nail on the head..re: Motor Insurance. ...it’s definitely NOT worth trying to just get the cheapest quote offered. It’s like most things in life..if it’s cheap..there’s inevitably a catch ..or a reason why..and you don’t realise this ..until the crap hits the fan...eg with Insurance..when you make a Claim on the Policy .

    Again..re “ the small print “.. very often it’s not just a case of ..not bothering to read it...nowadays..the ..small print ..is often hidden / or emitted. The prime example of this is in the Insurance Comparison Sights ..when you actually click on the..proceed button...very often the Insurance Companies main sight ..either offers ..different small print..extra small print..compared to the Comparison Company’s..policy resume.

    Whats the point of saving a few quid ..when you stand to lose ..many Thousands of Pounds ..if you've made a bad choice..Insurance Company wise .

    I use NFU. No , they aren’t the cheapest . BUT..the service is absolutely first Class. .in every possible way . No waiting for hours on the telephone, polite efficient staff, clear and concise policy details , and ..fair and reliable Claims Service..in the event of a prang or write off situation.

    i had a Claim about 8 years ago..a write off . They sent me a write off Figure ..I was not pleased with. BUT..upon their suggestion..I went to their local offices..with a bundle of information. It tool 45 minutes for the Girl in the office to FAX over to NFU HQ . Bill of sale..every receipt for everything ever spent..detailed photos..articles about the car ..showing prices..rarity..etc. AND..the next day ..they actually DOUBLED their offer .

    I think the trick ..to guarantee ..a decent/ fair/ correct ..Insurance Claim payout ..is SERVICE HISTORY..by reputable / expert Marque / Model ...Garages . Especially..if they will back any value claims up etc.

    The problem with self maintenance on a Car / Motorbike..where Claims ( Write Off ) ..IS..PROOF .proof the maintenance has been done ..and proof it’s been done correctly..by someone who knows what they are doing ...has acknowledged acceptance of being an “ amateur expert “ ..in the classic car spheres ..collectors car world..etc.Is known for doing CFS up..showing them..etc.

    A pile of RECEIPTS for Parts..in a folder ..doesn’t necessarily work..when pursuing a Claim. It doesn’t mean they’ve been fitted ..or they have been fitted correctly. As stated by Insurance Companies by the way.

    However, in the case of yourself ..STEVE..an expert on / works with Jensen’s I believe..highly desirable “posher Cars “ .....work done on 260’s ..would be deemed done by a man involved in the..Quality Classic Cars ...and would be regarded as 100% “ Kosher “

    BUT..general normal person.... not in the trade/ no standing in the Classic / Collectors / Specialist shares ...falls under the
    “ owner tinkering “ .sort of Maintenance....and .isn’t regarded highly by Insurance Companies..in the event of validation of Values offers for a Car Etc..in a Claim situation.

    On the... Pete Best..Guaranteed self certified..Agreed Valuations....I am dubious as to their actual validity. Has anyone in the Club..EVER..received a ..pay out for the full ...agreed Value ..from Pete Best & Co ...
    Of course..the Companies ..Pete Best..in an name only now ..as it’s been taken over ...and I believe no Bests..are involved in any way now. The Company’s who’s bought PB...has not definitely not got blemish free reviews ...it’s interesting to note.

    An an example of the NFU’s good points ...I informed them of a change of Alloys / Tyres ..on the Toyota Aristo Twin Turbo ( previously mentioned in my Write Off Claim ) . Big buggers the wheels were..with wide low profile Tires on. BUT..I sent details of ..WHY..I needed to change them . 16” OEM alloys Japanese ..it was an Import..Couldn’t get the standard Tyre size now ..ones available not correct speed rating etc..155mph Twin Turbo car etc .
    Anyway..goos news ...they okay.you can fit them. Bad News...an extra £75 to pay per annum ..on policy . GOOD NEWS.....we have increased the estimated Value of your Car ..by £750 ... re new Wheels .....( Wheels extra Value..not Tyres ..)
    Also....my Policy Premiums ....GO DOWN ...every year ...NOT UP . And that’s nothing to do with NCB etc..as I’ve got a max 8 yrs anyway .
    Another bonus...full RAC ..Breakdown ..inc at home ..and Relay back to home or a garage of your choice ...for £35 a year addition to Premium . That’s probably.got to be worth ....£100 ( new customers RAC ) to £160 + ..continued membership,)
    So...that’s effectively..£100:to £160 or so...OFF the Premium . ..

    Anyway...definitely..tell your Insurance Company about ..ANY ..changes to the Cars original specs. Or risk ending up in the sh*t one day...Claim time.

    Changes to Wheels..including, maybe , even APEX Wheels....if not actually fitted as standard on your 260 ...definitely Tyres Sizes ...( 235/40 18 as example..and be careful re this size...as they shouldn’t be put on a 7.5 wide wheel..according to Tyre Manufactures Data..40% aspect ratio etc ...VHS Suspension Kit...Spoilers / Body Kit...De Cat’s / by passed Cats on Exhausts ( invalidates MOT..wouldn’t pass with the de Cat ..more than likely ...an Exhaust System ..”.very much “ modified
    Bigger bore pipes..cross ( al la Mustang ) pipes..completely different shaped Silencers ( none Zero shape / appearance..as they are the nearest to oem appearance ..I believe . .change of body colour ( YES..I was nearly. caught out on that one myself years ago..A green Fiat..changed to Ferrari Red ..thank God I kept copies of the permission/ acceptance from the Insurance Company. ..the buggers had increases by Premium a lot too..had bid arches on too. .....also ..STRIPES ..Tinted Windows ..Etc...all potentially..problematic...if you don’t inform the Insurance Companies .

    Anyway..that’s it for Insurance now...I’ve bored myself to death now.....probably anyone reading this ...has fallen asleep too .

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nich View Post
    Having just spent the last 18 months trying to get a 'claim' against my name removed from the CUE (Claims and Underwriting Exchange) database because it never happened I can personally testify to the lengths insurance companies will go to extract every last penny from you in premiums and try to avoid paying out in the event of a claim.
    They WILL void your insurance if they uncover anything out of the ordinary about your car, it's not a rational decision, who would imagine that custom made exhausts would affect anything other than the sound the car makes but if you don't inform your insurance company about 'modifications' then they will use it against you to avoid paying out on claims.
    I found out to my cost that the CUE database is used by all the larger insurance companies to check claims against your name regardless of cause, blame or fault and this does affect the premium you pay. I discovered that a query I had lodged 18 months ago had been entered as a multiple vehicle collision for which I was to blame, this hiked my premiums with every insurance company I tried to renew with. After several heated phone calls and over several months this was changed to a single vehicle collision for which I was not held to be at fault. It was changed a second time to reflect a single vehicle collision which I was not to blame for costing £8 in repairs. How can a reported accident (which this wasn't) be changed like that when it so dramatically affects the renewal premiums. The company reporting the alleged incident could not provide any evidence of phone calls or written notes to support the occurence of this alleged accident but they still refused to remove the record. I finally had to provide sworn testimony to the insurance company that the accident did not happen but have received no acknowledgement of fault or any compensation for higher premiums paid. As I pointed out to them they had no grounds whatsoever to enter those details in their database because the accident never happened and so I had been left with the problem of trying to prove a negative something that never happened, someone, somewhere had pressed the wrong button and I was suffering the consequences. In spite of all my protestations the insurance company refused to change the database in spite of the fact that they could not provide me with any evidence of a claim, nor could they tell me how the database entry had been changed so dramatically and on whose authority. The only reason I managed to get any sense back into this situation was through my broker and threats of interaction with the Ombudsman.
    I think the point about this debate is that we all like to think we live in a tolerant, fair minded society where there is give and take on both sides and for the most part that is true but we do have to accept that there are times when someone, somewhere will pop up and say "Allo, allo, allo what's goin on ere then?" and you will then find that the MOT man will fail your car because of the air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror (forward vision restricted) or your number plate not complying completely to accepted standards even though they've both been fitted for years and have never ever been a problem in the past. I don't intend to live my life worrying about how loud my exhaust is or whether my paint colour is original but I am not stupid enough to think that it will not affect something somewhere and it will come back to bite me....maybe.

    Nich (CUE database checked and clear).

    Good Lord Nicholas...that?s appalling. Big Brother stuff ...makes you wonder about what false information ? they?
    hold about us generally doesn?t it . It?s the ..uncountability factor ..it?s true..your guilty..we don?t have to provide proof bit...that?s so scary .
    Anyway..glad you beat them..and got it all sorted out in the end.

    Can you ? name and shame? the Insurance Company involved.. or would you prefer not to comment .


  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveTD View Post
    Reading the way some of these posts are written surprised me. I then saw what time of day they were posted and suddenly it made sense. Perhaps a ban on all posting after 10pm....!
    I don’t know what David’s nocturnal habits are Steve, but as regards to myself..I don’t crawl out of my Coffin till it strikes Midnight ..and have to thence return before Dawn . Any Internet posts therefore need to be executed within this timeframe.

  6. #36
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    I suggest the amount of information that is incorrect is bigger than we think, I know that about 5 years ago I went to renew my insurance on my van and they apologised for the increase in premium but it was for the claim I had a few months before? I asked what claim? They looked it up and apparently my van had been involved in an accident on the M25 and it had all been sorted. The odd thing is my van has never been anywhere near the M25 ever as I only drive it locally.

    I am the only driver as my wife wont drive it ( she says its too big) and as it is on the drive I would have known if it was missing. Anyway after a bit of research it turns out the vehicle that had been involved in the accident was one letter out on the reg and in fact was a Ford truck not a van. Somebody must have typed my number in by mistake and had seen Ford and that was enough. Because there was only damage to the third party I had heard nothing. It was soon sorted thanks to my broker who earned there commission that day.


  7. #37
    #455 James C's Avatar
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    Depending on what site I go on, some still think YD05 GMS is a Nissan Micra!

    Shame they never offer to match the price based on that though
    James Curgenven
    ZT 260 SE #455 "Hobbes - The Rumblebee"
    "By my deeds I honour him, V8."

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nich View Post
    Nich (CUE database checked and clear).
    Nich, how does one access and check CUE?


  9. #39
    Administrator Nich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by torque2me View Post
    Nich, how does one access and check CUE?

    Hi Kev,

    You have to complete a form (available here) and send it in with proof of identity. This is from the relevant website:


    Claims and Underwriting Exchange (CUE)

    CUE is a central database of motor, home and personal injury/industrial illness incidents reported to insurance companies which may or may not have given rise to a claim. Information held on CUE is a powerful weapon in the fight against fraud.
    CUE was established in 1994 to help fight insurance fraud. By enabling insurers to access details of incidents, it makes it harder to successfully commit claims fraud or misrepresent claims history. Ultimately, this helps to keep down the cost of insurance for honest policyholders.
    CUE has been expanded to accept data relating to travel insurance claims with the launch of its new platform, CUE Travel. CUE Travel is the first central database of the industry?s claims and notifications for travel insurance policies. It has been developed to allow insurers to validate a policyholder?s travel claims history for both claims management and underwriting purposes. Insurers can make the most of this new platform by requesting a CUE subscriber pack by contacting CUETravel@mib.org.uk
    If you wish to find out what information is held about you on the CUE database, please complete a Subject Access Request form. Alternatively if you wish to contact us regarding a complaint, or any other query relating to these databases, please contact MIB on on 0345 1652803 (freephone) or at dataprotection@mib.org.uk.
    Nicholas John Peter Tinker - # 484

    Manufactured on Tuesday 27th April 2004 @ 12.17.47.
    Commission Number: 24468.
    Brochure Model: M3 Tourer 4.6 V8 260PS.
    Specification Code: L01B.
    CICode: D1511.
    Trim Level: TL8.9 (M3).

    65th ZT-T 260SE to be made out of 115.
    11th ZT-T 260 SE in Pearl Black (PBT) out of 23 produced.

    Manufactured in the UK by MG Rover Group Ltd.

  10. #40
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    Its simple any change from standard has to be notified and yes noise can matter. Check out the new MOT regs about noise. If you have a bad tester who does not like you he can fail your car if he thinks its much louder than a standard car of the same type.

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