i'm the brother
so strictly speaking i own 505 too.... can i get access to these lists?

the plan is to supercharge it at some point when time allows. the car can clearly handle a lot more power but its still a lot of fun to drive thanks to its excellent handling and the noise of the x-power silencers. i think our's might be slightly down on power as i think it maxed out at about 135mph. not too sure what could be the cause - maybe just low compression. the factory tolerances of those engines are not great. you really need to rebuild them, machining the block for accurate compression, balancing rotating assembly and porting the intake and heads to get a good engine.

not sure what your problem at high speed was, ed. it felt fine to me.

oh - i bought an e60 m5 that i'm picking up tomorrow. range rover blew a head gasket, so i needed something to tide me over seemed as good a choice as any other car!