I have had my 260 for 17 months now, is LPG converted. I also brought an MGF for the summer months to keep the miles off the 260. Result, I have put over 20,000 on the 260 and only 3,000 on the f. They are addictive for sure. With LPG my pence per mile is actually less than the F. Servicing is more expensive for sure, I have kept mine on the button which dosen`t come cheap. I am also considering selling, the trouble is when sitting at home it makes sense to sell (I need to reduce the number of cars i have, currently 5, 3 of which are MG`s) however, as soon as you drive it, well, ther doubts creep in again. As the saying goes, if in doubt, do nothing. don`t act and then regret it.