Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
On the matter of the rear-subframe, I think I remember the bowed cross tube being available as an 'item'? That was used by the MGOC Workshop amongst others ... or am I dreaming it?

Don't know if there is any possibility of that being investigate by the Club, with Dom or whoever, Tim ?
They would be a Club shop item as hot as the front struts, I imagine.

Would be very, very useful, particularly to members living abroad post Brexit, if they were (still) available. Exporting and re-importing a subframe from, say, Holland to the UK would I imagine be hugely expensive and difficult for a private individual I think. Not only immense transport costs, but jumping through the customs 'handling fees', tax and duty hoops, both ends, both ways! Bad enough just trying to buy a nut and bolt from the UK now. Since subframes behave like they are made of chocolate, that's probably an illegal EU personal-import anyway!

With this subframe, surely would depend if anything needs welding etc or just surface rust?. Won't really know unless it's removed but even then there must a fabrication company in Holland that can do any work needed?