Quote Originally Posted by Blue Flash View Post
Yes Martin it does require some more leg power! but decided after discussing the merits with Brian who in turn spoke to Sean Hyland,and that whilst the engine was out no harm would be done in fitting a stronger clutch,one thing I was pushing hard for was a lightened flywheel but Mr Hyland advised against this strongly particulary in a "daily drive car", ok for the track and big power applications but could be unsuitable for town driving....or something along those lines,and as that advice doesn't come much bigger had to concede the flywheel option!.
I don't know if anyone else would agree but I find the amount of travel on the clutch pedal as much of a pain as the effort needed to push it. I have to sit closer to the wheel than I would like simply because of the clutch. If I put the seat where I feel most comfortable then every now and then I graunch the gears because I have not disengaged the clutch properly.

Apart from a wooden block on the pedal is there any way of improving this situation?