Your correct on this Kev, it's the same fuel bank..BUT the difference lies in the addition of the magic brew ..directly into the filled up Tankers..afterwards, that separates the" piss" from the "Champagne" petrol wise !!!!! ( ie the supermarket petrol from the Shell/ BP etc..the Shell Nitro being the Don Pere whatsit of the champagnes of course ..and supermarket petrol's being the piss !!! )

And, as I have said , Shell, Bp, the petrol in good quality tanks at their stations, and in some cases.. supermarkets don't !

With 5% ethanol now in ALL petrol..the Tanks are "strained" more than the pre ethanol days..due to the negative effects ethanol petrol tanks etc..actually at petrol stations..not just in you MGB !!!

" They " ...REALLY want to up the ethanol % in petrol to 10% ...soon !!!
That's when " the shit will really hit the fan" destruction wise. Hey ho..!!


P.S. Herman ..
ISN'T RED X ..rather " last century " ??!!
My Grandpa used to put it in his Hillman Californian !!!