I shall have one! Say I with a huge grin on my face. It was a black ZT V8 of all places (In a garage) filling up, whre I live in Cheltenham that started this obsession for ZT's. I heard it fire up spotted the mustang badge on the lower grille and thought fair play he's made a custom. Fell in love with the look of the car and thought I'll research a ZT and get one...Then learn't the V8 was a factory option. Hmm the yearning just gets worse.

I'm not dilusional about my KV6 ever being a V8 and she will always wear her 190 badge with pride even if she is a bit common by comparison and have little value, but there is no getting away from the fact that she will always look better with twin exhasts...so why not eh :-) So no worries there she'll never have a v8 or 260 badge anywhere near her to make her look like some thing she is not.

Do you have any idea how many V8's there are local to me. I have seen one in Cheltenham, one in Harvington near Evesham and one parked in Birmingham...all black too.

Nice chatting...cheers Kev