Standard exhuasts are quite quiet. If in traffic etc people wont know its a v8 as it will be drowned out by the diesels. But open it up a bit and there is no doubt what it is.

So, quiet when you need to be but still a tell tale V8 burble and bellow, much more so than the audi / bmw equvilents etc. However im thinking about a pair of Zeroes for a more refined and obvious V8 sound

Parts shouldnt be too much of a worry, the engine and gearbox are just ford stuff, rear diff from a holden, shell is a normal ZT etc. Ok somethings may be difficult to find or get hold off, but I've also heard there is still lots locked up in longbridge...
and whos to say NJ wont bring the V8 back or another company wont use the V8 chasis etc.

MPG = Bad, obviously haha I've been getting 17-20s. Thats without motorways and mostly stop start town driving or short country roads etc, so not crippling, but I only do sub 8k a year or something. Then again none of my cars so far has done more than 25mpg so im used to it.