Thanks for the replies and reassurance that the MK1 (You know..THE Better looking one, with the Bentley Grill) is the better car to go for!!....

Seriously; Later on...Say, 5k down the road (and hopefully NOT sooner with something mechanically dire!)..Where should I get it serviced/Repiared etc..

The reason I ask is that I read "somewhere" that there was a garage that serviced V8 American/Mustangs etc.. in the Reigate /Redhill area - Anyone know of it?
Can anyone recommend anywhere near to where I live? . I commute to Caanary Wharf eveery somewhere nr. a mainlaine station that i can leave the car at (weekdays) would also be good.

I live nr. East Grinstead (10 miles from Gatwick Area).

Thanks for the support out there !!
Kindest Regards, Andrew