Quote Originally Posted by v8_bri View Post
Thanks for the quick replys. I will fill in my questionnaire tommorow night as i have an early start in the morning and definitly need my beauty sleep. I didn't put the name of dealer as i was not sure of rules about that sort of thing. I live near southampton so i used seawards in portsmouth who seviced my car and seemed ok until this problem. Don't want to bash them to much but being a main dealer i thought they would know of this problem as seems very common. I have had a look at the valve myself since i got the car home and looks like an easy job to do myself or am i kidding myself? I am no stranger to working on cars as i also own a rover p6 3500s and a tvr griffith which keep my hands oily. Are there any hidden problems with the swap?

Unlike many forums we're pretty relaxed on here about naming people - where it's justified, Sewards have a pretty good name generally, the issue is there are few people out there with modern MG V8 knowledge and that's where this forum really helps.

If you keep your hands oily you've have no issue with the valve

I'm only in W Sussex so not a million miles from you