Quote Originally Posted by John Newey View Post
All this talk about prices and the "trade" needs to be put into perspective. Last time I looked, Glass's guide shows a trade price for this car of only around £5275. Now realistically, I think we all know this car is worth more than that. I've just sold a very nice Monogram ZT 260SE for just under £10000, but I also paid well over trade price too. Often the sale price and the real worth will differ depending on supply and demand. These cars are limited and as time goes by real nice low mileage ones will become much rarer. However, if someone needs to sell and there aren't any-or many buyers, then don't expect too much! I agree, this car should be worth every penny of £15000, but it isn't! If it was, then wouldn't it have sold by now? The market is tough and in those climates, then it depends on how desperate the seller is-if they can wait, then why sell? I'd still buy at over trade price though-but not that much over!!
well said John, I've been watching the "bibles" pricing for a while now.

It's sad, but true.