Hi all,

I'm new to this caper - I picked up my Mk 2 260 SE yesterday (yes, it's silver). In the space of just over 36 hours I can honestly say I've never loved a car so much. I'm even surprised that I like it more than the E39 BMW 540 I used to own.

It might have something to do with MGs being in the blood. I've grown up with my family's 1949 TC and I forget how many Bs and BGTs over the years.

I was very eager to get my hands on a 260 and probably paid over the odds (£7250 for Mk 2 SE full spec, X-power exhausts and 32k on the clock), but hey ho, the plan is this will be a lifer. Everything works and she runs beautifully.

However I fear she might need some new tyres at next MoT. Can someone please let me know what the standard issue tyres were? I'm thinking Continental Sports 3s?

Also, I don't want to open a can of worms here but...where do you lads normally source parts?

Thanks alot and might see you soon,
