Hello Folks,

I have just signed up to try and arm myself with some useful info and hope to buy into your exclusive club.

I currently have a Y plate 75 Conni SE CDT which I've had for just over a year- she might have 177K on the clock but having sorted all the possible problems the diesel engine can throw up, and a couple of others like the rear lights letting water into the boot and the cruise control switch, she now drives exactly how she should and I love the old girl and all the toys she comes with, and she drives much better than my other motor - a Grand Scenic.. sorry - I thought I'd better say that quietly! The 3rd car in my collection - a 1965 Chrysler Newport 4 door sedan, 6.3L (383ci) V8, makes up for that though I think! A rolling resto is planned on her, the mechanics seem sound, as does the shell, but she needs a bit of bodywork tidying which is planned as we use her.

I was bitten by the V8 bug at an early age, and the Chrysler was my 1st when bought last year. But I'd like something that I could use on a more regular basis than the Chrysler, which is where the ZT comes in! Don't have the readies to be able to buy the £7k + examples that are out there at the moment, was looking more around the £4 - 5K mark.

Sorry for running on a bit, but looking forward to enjoying the V8 rumble more regularly! My name's Lee by the way...