Interesting ideas there, but I fear they don't make much sense.

It's the nature of business to buy at a low price and sell at the highest price the market will stand - the law of supply and demand. What people are prepared to pay is the market value for that purchase.

Expertise is gained by working with a product on a regular basis and knowing how it works, isn't it? Otherwise how could anyone pass themselves off as a specialist anything?

Companies always use 'special' features as a marketing ploy, so what's the issue? Apple don'r sell their kit on the back of a the fact that you can't replace the batteries, Ferrari don't market their cars by telling people the extortionate cost of servicing.

Maybe you should give car dealing a go, but based on your philosophy - buy chaep and sell just as cheap. I'd be interested to see how you go.

Before anyone asks, no, I don't deal in anything... well, maybe some things, but I don't sell anything