A basic guide to Engine bay detailing.
Meguiars engine cleaner
Meguiars engine dressing
Soft bristle brush
Pump action garden sprayer
Metal polish
Rags/micro fibre towels
Spray the engine cleaner on to the area that require cleaning, agitate it using the brush and leave for a couple of minutes.
Using normal tap water in the pump action garden sprayer clean off the cleaner and rinse off, using the pump action garden sprayer allows precision cleaning into any tight areas without the risk of high pressure water entering electronics.
Start engine and allow to idle for 5-10minutes to help in drying the engine the lazy quicker way.
Whilst that is happening you can apply a small amount of metal polish to the air con pipes and turn them from the dull aluminum that they are to nice shinny bright ones.
Once the engine and engine bay has dryed, stop the engine, word of warning as parts of the engine will be HOT so be carefull.
Spray the engine dressing on plastics, hoses, expansion bottle, slam panel etc and wipe into the surfaces using a rag or towel.
Silicon pipes come up especially well.
Stand back, and admire your clean and factory fresh V8.