I am now posting this in the Public Section, to broaden the audience, as suggested by Keith.

Well after four or more years at A E Wilcox, 07 is on the way to a new home and hopefully a re-incarnation. All donations gratefully received, particularly a complete set of ECUs!!!

John Wilcox still belives that this car was once a supercharged auto, but Nic (Rincewind) tells me that no such beast existed. It has, however, definitely been/is an auto, having only two pedals.

I have been in contact with Ian Pogson and Gary Egan at MG Motors Ltd to enquire whether there is any chance of liberating one of the V8 development cars, still at Longbridge, to act as a donor car. A very long shot and I'm not holding my breath. Failing a miracle, the search is on for a suitable (written off) donor car. Again, I would be grateful for any pointers.

In the meantime, I have entrusted the restoration to Corin Messenger from the Gentlemen's Forum and together we will try and come up with a cunning plan!