Hi there! I'm currently doing my research and looking into getting myself a 260, be it ZT or ZT-T. I can see the appeal of both and know of the extra rarity of the estates. I have hankered after one of these cars since first seeing one on Top Gear.

My main problem is, however, that I have never been up close to one of these cars yet, let alone been driven in one. I'm near Nuneaton and have seen some Midlands-based members on here and wondered if any kindly souls may be willing to meet up and show me over the car? Naturally I wouldn't expect a drive myself - you wouldn't would you, with someone you didn't know - but a short ride out in a car would be hugely appreciated if that were possible, but the main reason would be to just point out those areas to be mindful of when buying. I'm a genuine bloke and if anyone is able to oblige, I'll PM my phone number so we can chat first.

This seems like a good, friendly place, so I look forward to someone being able to help me out.

Thanks, chaps,
