Seems this thread is beginning to get heated
I did not join this forum to listen to arguments and points of view, that quite frankly should be left out of this forum, and discussed privately via e-mail
One point of view that I would like to raise, without any prejudice's is. If anyone is moving lots of "metal", and is making a capital gain from the resale amount, then the tax man must in all cases be notifying of these gains, as it could and most probably would be construed as a being a business. He may, and I say again may, be interested to know of these activities and financial gains being made on the buying and selling cars. To buy for one's own personal use is not deemed as making a capital gain, however, if lot's of activity are being handled, and the gains end up in the hands of the provider, then a capital gain has to be declared. Please, anyone who is party to these types of activities must declare them, to have an investigation is not a pleasant experience.
To end, I really do not want this forum ending up like others, where personal issues are directed between, or at other members. It just becomes a battle field where in the end people switch off from logging on and inevitably cease being members.
This is my OWN PERSONAL VIEW POINT, it has no personal reference or directed at any one or more than one member of this forum. Or, is to be construed as me personally taking sides for or against any one person or persons, thank you.