ZT-T at Auction, Mathewsons 20/03/2024 - Page 2
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Thread: ZT-T at Auction, Mathewsons 20/03/2024

  1. #11
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T16 View Post
    I cant figure out what would cause a knock as horrifically bad as that, that then disappears or seems to disappear in short order.
    Maybe a knackered bearing shell that is then pacified by oil pressure?
    Well the engine has been reduced on eBay , if the car can be bought for under 1500 it's worth putting the replacement in if someone can get that for under 2000, so silly me I've registered to bid and put one on the ztt.
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  2. #12
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    Well the engine has been reduced on eBay , if the car can be bought for under 1500 it's worth putting the replacement in if someone can get that for under 2000, so silly me I've registered to bid and put one on the ztt.
    Yes I noticed that, its tempting but I have too many projects on at the moment but good luck Jeff. It will be good to see it back in the road and done properly not bodged up to make a quick £.
    If you are going to flip it there should be a reasonable profit in it as long as nothing else bites you. Hopefully the A/C just needs a compressor and they are cheap enough from Rock Auto.

  3. #13
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    Yes I noticed that, its tempting but I have too many projects on at the moment but good luck Jeff. It will be good to see it back in the road and done properly not bodged up to make a quick £.
    If you are going to flip it there should be a reasonable profit in it as long as nothing else bites you. Hopefully the A/C just needs a compressor and they are cheap enough from Rock Auto.
    Engine comes with the air con compressor according to the listing so that may not be a problem. I have no projects on the go now except my sons 2 x MG Montego's. His Turbo engine I've rebuilt and an now sorting a rusty panel just under the windscreen, after that a small bit of welding and hopefully an MOT sometime soon, then his other MG project that I've failed to get running so far, that needs quite a lot
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible
    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive, being restored
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    2004 MGZT cdti Poseidon
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  4. #14
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    Engine comes with the air con compressor according to the listing so that may not be a problem...
    A/C pump bypassed for a reason, I assume. I would budget the extra £400-ish for compressor/condensor/belt/fit and system re-charge when thinking about your max bid for the car, Jeff, whether it's DMGRS or stateside for the compressor.

    Last edited by David; 12-03-2024 at 03:46 PM.

  5. #15
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    A/C pump bypassed for a reason, I assume. I would budget the extra £400-ish for compressor/condensor/belt/fit and system re-charge when thinking about your max bid for the car, Jeff, whether it's DMGRS or stateside for the compressor.

    If I do get this ztt and the replacement engine that's got an air con compressor on it David. Plenty of time for someone else to buy it yet. My bid is rather low anyway as it'll need quite a bit of work from the looks of it .
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible
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  6. #16
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    Having seen other cars described by them as just needing a polish I reckon it might need some paint. I know there job is to sell a car and of course the more it gets the bigger there commission but I will say buyer beware. One a Jensen that was sold by them it was supposedly just dusty but on closer inspection it was covered in micro blistering. I just wish they were a bit more honest. If closer I would have a day out and go and have a look and store it away for when I am less busy but its over 4.5 hours each way for me.

  7. #17
    Registered User Pete's Avatar
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    Went for £5500.
    I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.
    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

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  8. #18
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    £5,500 + Fees and VAT of course.
    Somebody didn't watch the video, I assume.

    Last edited by David; 20-03-2024 at 05:19 PM.

  9. #19
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    Yes I saw that, crazy money for a broken car. By the time that has been transported and the fees have been paid he probably could have bought one ready to drive in poor condition. Even if he has an engine ready to drop in it there is still a couple of days work there with a 4 post lift. At the bottom estimate it was probably worth a punt but I wonder how long that is before it is back for sale.

  10. #20
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Yeah mad price, I bid £1400 so no chance
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible
    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive, being restored
    1997 Jaguar XK8 Convertible
    2004 MGZT cdti Poseidon
    2004 Number 76 MGZT V8

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