ZT-T at Auction, Mathewsons 20/03/2024
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Thread: ZT-T at Auction, Mathewsons 20/03/2024

  1. #1
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Default ZT-T at Auction, Mathewsons 20/03/2024

    ** Thread from 'New listing in 'Cars for Sale' moved here to keep the New Listings just that. **
    #278 at auction, 20/03/2024

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    278.jpg At auction, announced today, a Pearl Black ZT-T 260. Tatty and noisy engine. (Mathewsons). Feeling brave? MOT history not bad.

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    If I was after another project I'd give that a go. Engine strip is quite easy if it's the bearings once removed. If it isn't the bearings then even easier
    Last edited by David; 12-03-2024 at 08:38 PM.
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  2. #2
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    It will be interesting to see what it goes for, at the lower price you could put an engine in it for ease.
    On the downside it is scruffy, I wonder if cheap it would be worth buying to break to keep some others on the road. Survival of the fittest,

  3. #3
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    It will be interesting to see what it goes for, at the lower price you could put an engine in it for ease.
    On the downside it is scruffy, I wonder if cheap it would be worth buying to break to keep some others on the road. Survival of the fittest,
    Obviously not looked after and possibly used as a normal everyday car. According to the MOT is was low on oil so must have run out. Scruffy means used in my opinion, might be a money pit, might not. As you say worse case for the engine is buy the one on eBay and put that in it . Not knowing the condition of the underside and rear subframe could put a damper on it. As said though, if I wanted it I would go view it but wouldn't break it
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  4. #4
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    Obviously not looked after and possibly used as a normal everyday car. According to the MOT is was low on oil so must have run out. Scruffy means used in my opinion, might be a money pit, might not. As you say worse case for the engine is buy the one on eBay and put that in it . Not knowing the condition of the underside and rear subframe could put a damper on it. As said though, if I wanted it I would go view it but wouldn't break it
    No subframe or suspension rot mentioned on any of the MOTs.

    ... possibly used as a normal everyday car...
    Not necessarily a bad thing in itself. My Olive now at 360k kms on that 'diet' since 2005! Probably better than winter lay-ups for example? Agree about the "fix, not break". Could be that "Do not fix, do not break" could be more viable!
    Last edited by David; 09-03-2024 at 10:09 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    No subframe or suspension rot mentioned on any of the MOTs.

    Not necessarily a bad thing in itself. My Olive now at 360k kms on that 'diet' since 2005! Probably better than winter lay-ups for example? Agree about the "fix, not break". Could be that "Do not fix, do not break" could be more viable!
    Maybe so as the owner used the tyres till they were bald. One tyre needed, brake discs also needed all round could also be an issue, fronts are easy but rears are not cheap. If someone is DIYing the car I would say you could spend a couple of thousand on it to get it road worthy. Clutch 'should' be ok at 40,000 but you never know no, to replace the clutch and cylinder is abought £500 would all depend on what other damage has been done to the engine when it ran out of oil and of course that's a removal and strip down, if DIYing that costs nothing Maybe lucky with crank grind, replacement over size shells and head gasket set, unluckily the bores would also need doing.
    After reading the book I bought off Nich on rebuilding a Mustang V8 engine I must say I am tempted with this car just to see if I could do it but I don't want another project and this is one. Head gasket and timing chains I found out are extremely easy on a V8 so an 'added extra' would be the crank etc
    I've had a long look at the pictures of it and the bodywork is mostly just dirty so could be a bargain
    MOT history is a bit hit and miss. In 6 years three tyres got worn out in 7 miles, can't see how that would happen
    When I took on 277 there was much more to do than i anticipated though.
    Last edited by jeff turbo; 09-03-2024 at 01:07 PM.
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible
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  6. #6
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    Maybe so as the owner used the tyres till they were bald. One tyre needed, brake discs also needed all round could also be an issue, fronts are easy but rears are not cheap. If someone is DIYing the car I would say you could spend a couple of thousand on it to get it road worthy. Clutch 'should' be ok at 40,000 but you never know no, to replace the clutch and cylinder is abought £500 would all depend on what other damage has been done to the engine when it ran out of oil and of course that's a removal and strip down, if DIYing that costs nothing Maybe lucky with crank grind, replacement over size shells and head gasket set, unluckily the bores would also need doing.
    After reading the book I bought off Nich on rebuilding a Mustang V8 engine I must say I am tempted with this car just to see if I could do it but I don't want another project and this is one. Head gasket and timing chains I found out are extremely easy on a V8 so an 'added extra' would be the crank etc
    I've had a long look at the pictures of it and the bodywork is mostly just dirty so could be a bargain
    MOT history is a bit hit and miss. In 6 years three tyres got worn out in 7 miles, can't see how that would happen
    When I took on 277 there was much more to do than i anticipated though.
    That's the problem. If you are looking at a fix up with an eye on making a profit, then I think you would be hard pushed. Fix up for yourself, well you could maybe convince yourself that at least some of the work and investment was a "labour of love", but then you could choose a better starting point I feel.


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    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    That's the problem. If you are looking at a fix up with an eye on making a profit, then I think you would be hard pushed. Fix up for yourself, well you could maybe convince yourself that at least some of the work and investment was a "labour of love", but then you could choose a better starting point I feel.

    Yeah did that with 277, was going to keep it as I spend a lot of time and effort on it but my Mrs said it was too big for her, though she is using my 260 at the moment as my youngest has borrowed her car for a few weeks.
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    Not only is the engine a problem but it looks like the AC has been bypassed, is that because of a faulty compressor or maybe more? Also why is the door card off in the rear?
    As far as it running low on oil I have been there before with other engines, rarely is it just a crank and bearings, on one I was helping out with it needed a cam and bearings and there was damage to a couple of bores. In the end we fitted another engine that we picked up out a crashed car for less than the cost of the parts to do the other one up let alone the machining etc etc.
    As a dooer up er it needs to be at the bottom of its guestimate if there is going to be a profit in it.
    Like any of these projects even if you are doing it your self you need to be charging out the work at a reasonable rate or you are doing it for nothing. If you do 40 hours on it and you make £500 you might as well have stacked shelves in Sainsburys and had no risk.
    I go back to what I said earlier if cheap enough it might be worth breaking, a pair of drive shafts, a couple of subframes and an ABS unit and you have got your money back.
    Such a difficult call on this, it would be good to see it done up but I suspect being Mathewsons it will sell to a daydreamer for twice what its worh and be on Ebay in 6 months with a bodged up engine and a polish.

  9. #9
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    Not only is the engine a problem but it looks like the AC has been bypassed, is that because of a faulty compressor or maybe more? Also why is the door card off in the rear?
    As far as it running low on oil I have been there before with other engines, rarely is it just a crank and bearings, on one I was helping out with it needed a cam and bearings and there was damage to a couple of bores. In the end we fitted another engine that we picked up out a crashed car for less than the cost of the parts to do the other one up let alone the machining etc etc.
    As a dooer up er it needs to be at the bottom of its guestimate if there is going to be a profit in it.
    Like any of these projects even if you are doing it your self you need to be charging out the work at a reasonable rate or you are doing it for nothing. If you do 40 hours on it and you make £500 you might as well have stacked shelves in Sainsburys and had no risk.
    I go back to what I said earlier if cheap enough it might be worth breaking, a pair of drive shafts, a couple of subframes and an ABS unit and you have got your money back.
    Such a difficult call on this, it would be good to see it done up but I suspect being Mathewsons it will sell to a daydreamer for twice what its worh and be on Ebay in 6 months with a bodged up engine and a polish.
    Yeah true, forgot about the air con, I'm not buying it any way though. I bought 277 as an experiment to find out what I could do with removing the rear subframe and other things I hadn't done before, taught myself quite a bit on that.
    Breaking the car would bring a few thousand back on the purchase price, all running gear except engine, subframe, diff, driveshafts, ABS, exhaust, door panels etc etc. After all that you could then strip down the engine and find out what's needed and what's knackered, there again that's a lot of time and effort with the parts and dealing with many time wasters and guys who will have a go at you for breaking it. Not that I care much about that
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    I cant figure out what would cause a knock as horrifically bad as that, that then disappears or seems to disappear in short order.
    Maybe a knackered bearing shell that is then pacified by oil pressure?

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