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Thread: Emissions Validation

  1. #11
    Registered User
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    Thank you everyone for your help, especially Jeff and Nich for confirming with their V5C?s, the photo is particularly helpful.

    I did some digging and fired over an email to Lindsay at http://www.mgrccservices.com/ - it looks like they can be a little hit and miss but they ought to be the last word when it comes to MG technical records.

    Doesn?t look cheap but with a bit of luck perhaps they can help to verify the mistake and issue a CoC to evidence a correction request to the DVLA.

  2. #12
    Registered User Dashnine's Avatar
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    I know a 'cheaper' RFL car and a more 'expensive' RFL car (sadly mine although if it were registered when it was made instead of 2 and a half years later it'd be in the 'cheaper' category!), and both are ULEZ compliant on the TFL website.

    I don't know how the emissions are added for the V5 but it does seem they're the wrong way round. DVLA seemed to have issues with the descriptions of various cars, and as you can see from 'HowManyLeft' the model descriptions vary for the 260: ZT V8 260 (as per mine on the V5) and ZT 260 V8.

    I can't believe emission figures are individually entered for each car, I assume when a car is registered they pick the car from a list and if one set are figures are wrong we end up where the OP is, although I'd have expected to have seen it before with the number of cars still out there (assuming possibly that 'ZT 260 V8' have the wrong emissions, there are 12 non-SE ZT cars on the road according to HowManyLeft's dubious figures).
    Life's too short to drive boring cars!

    MG ZT 260 #442 in XPower Grey

  3. #13
    Registered User Dashnine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dashnine View Post
    I know a 'cheaper' RFL car and a more 'expensive' RFL car (sadly mine although if it were registered when it was made instead of 2 and a half years later it'd be in the 'cheaper' category!), and both are ULEZ compliant on the TFL website.

    I don't know how the emissions are added for the V5 but it does seem they're the wrong way round. DVLA seemed to have issues with the descriptions of various cars, and as you can see from 'HowManyLeft' the model descriptions vary for the 260: ZT V8 260 (as per mine on the V5) and ZT 260 V8.

    I can't believe emission figures are individually entered for each car, I assume when a car is registered they pick the car from a list and if one set are figures are wrong we end up where the OP is, although I'd have expected to have seen it before with the number of cars still out there (assuming possibly that 'ZT 260 V8' have the wrong emissions, there are 12 non-SE ZT cars on the road according to HowManyLeft's dubious figures).
    However I maybe talking nonsense (again) as the figures on HowManyLeft may show that models listed as ZT 260 V8 are Mk1 / Pre-facelift (start 2003 and tail off 2004) and ZT V8 260 are Mk2 / Facelift (start 2004).

    So anyone got a Mk1 260 that shows as ULEZ compliant, and what's yours Mgnoob?

    ETA: Jeffs 260 is a Mk1 and compliant, so another theory shot down!
    Last edited by Dashnine; 17-08-2023 at 11:36 AM.
    Life's too short to drive boring cars!

    MG ZT 260 #442 in XPower Grey

  4. #14
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Looking at DVLA nomenclature it initially indeed looked like the MK1 and Mk2 were different DVLA 'Models', 260 V8 and V8 260:

    200 ZT SE 260 V8
    201 ZT 260 V8
    202 ZT SE 260 V8
    203 ZT 260 V8
    204 ZT 260 V8
    205 ZT 260 V8
    206 ZT-T V8 260
    207 ZT (???)
    208 ZT 260 V8
    209 ZT SE 260 V8
    210 ZT-T SE V8 260
    211 ZT-T SE 260 V8
    213 ZT-T SE 260 V8
    214 ZT SE 260 V8
    216 ZT SE 260 V8
    217 ZT V8 260
    218 Not Found
    219 ZT V8 260
    220 ZT V8 260

    ... but then browsing through the higher and lower VINs I found some more cars just with model ZT
    and random '260 V8' showing up like in this group of Mk2 cars made within hours of each other:

    258 ZT SE 260 V8
    259 ZT SE V8 260
    260 ZT V8 260

    The model designation 'V8 260' for Mk2 as against '260 V8' for Mk1 is an indication but not truly indicative as far as I can see. What about the whole bunch of 'ZT' only models??

    If it's any use to know, ZT 260 Mk1 to Mk2 changeover occurred early in 2004 in a 2 week break in production from 02/02/2004 to 17/02/2004. The last true Mk1 #216 was completed on the 4th, the other 7 Mk1 cars which also in a part completed state were mostly converted to Mk2. as far as possible (#210 to #218), at least outwardly, and many became publicity or show cars, including #215 which was converted into the first Rover 75 V8 for the Geneva show. The first true production ZT 260 Mk2 was #219, built on the 17/02/2004.

    Purely academic interest for me of course over in Holland, but what about the Rover 75 V8s ??
    As a matter of fact 'Olive' and I visited he UK for 4 or 5 years regularly using the Dartford crossing after the toll booth's vanished. Me blithely thinking "that's good it's all paid for at long last, so free now". Those with long memories will recall that was said when the Dartford Tunnel and the Severn Crossing were granted Toll status when built. Never heard a dicky bird about it. ULEZ solution?

    Last edited by David; 17-08-2023 at 02:34 PM.

  5. #15
    Registered User Dashnine's Avatar
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    So if one of those lines used at the DVLA had the wrong emissions data entered against it, and was used sparingly - that could explain how Mgnoob has the wrong figures on his V5? Or have I missed the point?

    - 201, 203, 204, 205, 208 have the same designation (ZT 260 V8).
    - 217, 218, 220 have the alternate ZT V8 260.
    Life's too short to drive boring cars!

    MG ZT 260 #442 in XPower Grey

  6. #16
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    I only have individual DVLA 'lookup' rights which would mean 711 hand queries to prove or disprove that theory for all UK MG ZT 260s.
    OK, I have done it twice to see how many V8's were still actually registered, taxed and MOT'd, SORN'd or officially exported or scrapped.
    A long boring job, which I don't plan to do again soon!

    As far as I can see from the tiny samples I have taken now of about 40 cars, I found only 3 MG ZT model descriptions of our cars, as I show above, ZT V8 260, ZT 260 V8 and just ZT, each with their SE and Tourer variants, and a "large number" of the first two, roughly but only very roughly corresponding with Mk1/Mk2. Further fishing could discover more of course, but this is more 'rod and line' than 'trawling'!

    Last edited by David; 17-08-2023 at 03:13 PM.

  7. #17
    Administrator Nich's Avatar
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    Default DVLA Vehicle Descriptions

    Thought I would look at the possible variations that DVLA might have used for our cars. I haven't included the Rover 75 V8 because I am losing the will to live. I might get round to doing that sometime in the future but the ZT's seem to be the ones in focus at the moment.
    As you can see the DVLA don't seem to have used all of the possible variant names..............yet.

    Last edited by Nich; 17-08-2023 at 05:19 PM.
    Nicholas John Peter Tinker - # 484

    Manufactured on Tuesday 27th April 2004 @ 12.17.47.
    Commission Number: 24468.
    Brochure Model: M3 Tourer 4.6 V8 260PS.
    Specification Code: L01B.
    CICode: D1511.
    Trim Level: TL8.9 (M3).

    65th ZT-T 260SE to be made out of 115.
    11th ZT-T 260 SE in Pearl Black (PBT) out of 23 produced.

    Manufactured in the UK by MG Rover Group Ltd.

  8. #18
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nich View Post
    Thought I would look at the possible variations that DVLA might have used for our cars. I haven't included the Rover 75 V8 because I am losing the will to live. I might get round to doing that sometime in the future but the ZT's seem to be the ones in focus at the moment.
    As you can see the DVLA don't seem to have used all of the possible variant names..............yet.
    You forgot just 'ZT' and 'Unspecified'


  9. #19
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    Mine seems to be just MG ZTT no gaps or mention of a V8 in the title.

  10. #20
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    Mine seems to be just MG ZTT no gaps or mention of a V8 in the title.
    According to DVLA data for #480



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