This summary shows the number of ZT 260s and Rover 75V8s known to have been sold per month since 31 December 2017.
Only UK sales are taken into account and the data is taken from the Annual 'Complete List of 260s SOLD' and the 'Monthly Ins-and-Outs' threads, updated daily over the period. I hope you find it interesting.
sales UK2.jpg
Sorry if readability of the screen-shot rendition above is less than good, but Facebook 'Two-Sixties' Group members can download the underlying Excel sheet from the link here:[0]=AZVtPuvIhSQ4I5ic_FK49FlE4i9_-4Em3JWwixpm5vA7lx4QMppyWilT02fOjwK8zl9b2ugxWKk6ETy 4O9Jo6gJSd_dcmxwIkAJ-l4xCIncl0maYJs4fBmICFkiXAp6iuhoY_l7diOwmM14kowXxKi 0tRdl7PtCygMv2kQJQvHStVA&__tn__=H-R