Water leaking into front passenger side.
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Thread: Water leaking into front passenger side.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brisbane Queensland Aust

    Default Water leaking into front passenger side.

    Sorry have read a number of threads on leaks but can't understand some of the suggestions/causes.

    Have checked sunroof & all four drains are ok & flow out.

    Presently car being dried out & they estimated 10 ltrs of water in sound proofing.

    Water was not off - so seems to be recent no rain only washed car week before, but seems a lot from just washing car?

    They said can't see any obvious places it is coming from when they moved underlay & carpet.

    is it possible to "seal" front windscreen without taking it out?

    thought water could come in from where the plastic black roof cover strip joins top of windscreen?

    Any other ideas greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Ron

  2. #2
    Registered User Pete's Avatar
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    Is the headlining around the sunroof damp/wet. I had water ingress down the driver's door pillar. The sunroof drains seemed to be ok when pouring water into the sunroof gulley. What I found was that the water drained only via the passenger drain. The driver's side was partly blocked and was dribbling out. Access to these front outlets is behind the wheel arch cover. See video. The end of the outlet is a duckbill shape. When I opened this, I got a soaking. Debris builds up over time due to the duckbill restriction and eventually blocks.
    I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.
    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

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  3. #3
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    ... Have checked sunroof & all four drains are ok & flow out....
    What Pete says is very true. A drain appears to pass water, but how much? A partly blocked exit can cause the water to back-up, up to eye-level even (!), and the channel area of the sunroof fills very quickly if all drains are not 100%. Water then gradually seep/pour through the joints at the rubber grommet end, or worse still overflow through to the cabin above your head. The white tape on the drain hoses is NOT a sealing device incidentally. It was applied by the factory to aid fitting (just showed how far the pipe was to be pushed into the rubber duck-bill grommets).

    Although obviously possible, I doubt that windscreen seal-rubbers are the problem, unless the windscreen has been replaced and fitted badly.

    You really should go back to the drains and follow the instructions in this extensive thread from Nick at Austin Garages:

    Best approach having cleaned and trimmed the rubber grommet duck-bill ends, is to use an adapter like Austin garages sell.


    Read the information there as well, although much is an extract from his Forum blow-by-blow instructions, mentioned above.
    The things are fairly standard barbed hose connectors/reducers which you may be able to source locally. 10mm>14 mm measured at the straight part not the barb OD.

    I would advise to modify both the front drains, and those at the rear of the car too. they may not leak yet, but probably will at some stage. The rears are a much easier task than doing the front drains, incidentally.

    Another possible area causing leakage is the windscreen shuttle panel, the exterior one through which the wiper-spindles pass. The 7 fixing pin 'receivers', or snap-sacks, can leak.
    See: https://rimmerbros.com/Item--i-GRID001775
    Best to replace the seven exterior windscreen shuttle panel push in retaining pins or clips, items #7, Clip EYC101470PMA, and #8 the Clip-Snap-Sack EYC101450

    Most important is to fit the new white recipient 'snap-sacks' with a sealant to the body (not in the central pin-clip hole of course).
    The Snap-Sack part is common to some Range-Rovers (2002-2012), and may be more readily available locally. Same LR part number I think.

    Last edited by David; 17-11-2022 at 12:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Queensland Aust


    Thanks, will check, cut I have not found any wet in carpet or headliner

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Queensland Aust


    Thanks David. I think i read somewhere these are Landrover parts?

  6. #6
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    Thanks David. I think i read somewhere these are Landrover parts?
    If you mean the 'snap-sacks', then that is highly likely, bearing in mind the Range-Rover use, and the commonality of loads of parts with other MG/Rover/Land-Rover screws, fixtures, fittings and more. Some Freelanders even used R75 KV6 engines, gearboxes and other powertrain components. For the snap-sacks, knowing the part number EYC101450 should be enough. As I said, I believe that number is common over the brands.

    Last edited by David; 21-11-2022 at 02:02 PM.

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