Long time no see.
I have had issues with the Car.
First I was side swiped on the highway, and I could not correct. The car spun 180 degrees, and hit the concrete middle section, damaging the left front bearing and steering rod, the left wing and the front bumper.
I was incredibly lucky and was able to obtain a Chinese bumper, and I salvaged all I could from the original bumper, so I am almost back to where it should be.
Then, on a dusty road, there was a slight upwards curve over a small bridge, and when I recoiled on the other side, the aluminium sump hit a flat stone not any bigger than 2 cm above the road surface, shattering the sump and spilling all the oil, plus setting off the drivers seat air bag and the front pillar bag as well, which should never have happened. I am lucky that the steering wheel bag did not go off as well, or I could have had a broken nose or worse.
I made a new sump in plate steel 3mm, and made sure it sits well above the cross member!
Then I drove the car a bit, and got oil in the water. Thinking i would be a head gasket, the engine was clean, and no mayo under the filler cap. I then checked the box, and there was mayo in there. It turns out the oil/water cooler was leaking water into the box. Luckily I have a scrap 1.8T and took the gearbox oil cooler and installed that after the radiator. Works a charm! Luckily I caught it early, and dropped the sump to drain the contents of the box looking like strawberry milk shake. Not so easy, as the sump only comes off, if the exhaust is taken off and that includes the disconnection of the lambda sensor, which sits right behind the engine on the left side, and it is almost impossible to get a hand in there! Nightmare!
I installed a sump plug, so now it is only a matter of taking the bolt out to drain the content. I have changed the oil twice, and the box is almost back to normal. the oil coming out is still discoloured, so a couple of oil changes still required to clean up totally.
That is where we are today. I have now started to drive the car again, and it goes well, many warning lights are on, but it goes fine except the car does not charge. I can see they have been at the generator before me, it has been sprayed silver, and the plug for the electric connections is missing. The charge light has always been blinking, but now it stays on and it does not charge. The seat needs stictching and the roof lining is dropping! But what a lovely car!
So, I need a bit of assistance. Any advice on the generator, I have a friend that will fix it for me, but he is looking for information as to which model it is, and if possible, a wiring diagram.
Further, I have built a tow hitch for the car, but I would like to know the best way to connect the electrics there too.
So a bit of a mouthful but nevertheless, back and driving.!