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Thread: A few issues to work on..

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TyphoonTom View Post
    5th issue is an ABS light - If you have done all the checks for the sensors and the rings are all good then it could be the ABS ECU. This fails because of the heat soak from the manifolds drying out the soldered joints inside the module. There are companies that will repair them, I posted on the forum about the one I used a while ago.

    8th issue is a slack throttle cable and a rough feel under operation. - The OE throttle cable is not great and no amount of oiling will solved the notchy feel. I highly recommend you build yourself a new one from a universal aftermarket manufacturer. Again there are lots of posted about it on the forum!
    A guy on a mustang YouTube channel suggested a cable tie to take the slack out of the cable?

    The ABS light seems to come and go, ABS faults must be separate to ecu codes as I can't see them with my OBD reader. Is there a way to read them? I do have a bit of play in a front wheel bearing, I've heard the wheel bearing is integral to the ABS function?

    I've got a spare bearing I bought for the 190, will this fit the 260 ?

  2. #12
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    ... But I'm probably missing something in the design.
    Yes I think you are!

    Getting a new manifold in the UK is virtually impossible. Stateside, and then only original Ford Performance, M-9424-P46, not Dorman (Amazon/RockAuto etc.), if you are sensible. Get the gaskets at the same time. Manifolds are difficult/impossible to repair, and second-hand ones are very rare, and generally not to be recommended.

    Just the gaskets from Brown & Gammons at https://www.ukmgparts.com/product/r7...each-lkj000080 , or DMGRS at https://www.dmgrs.co.uk/products/mg-...anks-lkj000080

    ... more important though is to get your full membership sorted out, since I just noticed you still haven't done that, and not being "green", will be unable to read most of the vast amount of advice here you obviously need, in threads which are closed to you. Same applies to your questions in post #11, I'm afraid.
    My £50 MGOC renewal just plopped through the letter box, obviously far from welcome, but worth every penny for the full Two-Sixties access.

    Last edited by David; 17-11-2022 at 09:53 PM.

  3. #13
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    Once you remove the manifold to replace the gaskets, which isn't a hard job, check the actual manifold thoroughly for any cracks. I found one in mine and had to replace it.
    The replacement was at my door within a week from America
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  4. #14
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    Once you remove the manifold to replace the gaskets, which isn't a hard job, check the actual manifold thoroughly for any cracks. I found one in mine and had to replace it.
    The replacement was at my door within a week from America
    Curious about current pricing for the intake, I Googled around for US suppliers, and was surprised to find that almost no-one is showing stock for the Ford M-9424-P46 at the moment. Summit the supplier normally recommended, do not have it. Maybe stock is drying up, even in the US.
    Dorman may end up by being the only route to follow in the future. Pity.

    Last edited by David; 18-11-2022 at 05:38 PM.

  5. #15
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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  6. #16
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    That's a Dorman (or rebranded Dorman-type) intake. Same as Amazon and RockAuto sell.
    Has to be anyway, since the Ford one now carries an 'official' US price ticket of $390

    Dead giveaways are the photos which show the multiple self-tappers, 23 individual port and water gallery gaskets, spacers and bracket fitting kit, none of which are needed with the original Ford item. Often relabeled with fancy names other than "Dorman", such as SKP, Autotecnica, ATP, A-Premium, GO-PARTS etc. etc. and widely available in the US, even Walmart!

    Dorman.jpg Dorman2.jpg

    Never used a Dorman myself, but reviews and Mustang sites say to avoid if possible;
    I was lucky and managed to replace mine with a genuine MGR NOS unit, the same as the Ford Performance one.
    ... but, if you are feeling brave, I think this is about the cheapest Dorman type, via Amazon.com (UK shipping estimate shown), at US$ 140:

    Last edited by David; 18-11-2022 at 10:03 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Curious about current pricing for the intake, I Googled around for US suppliers, and was surprised to find that almost no-one is showing stock for the Ford M-9424-P46 at the moment. Summit the supplier normally recommended, do not have it. Maybe stock is drying up, even in the US.
    Dorman may end up by being the only route to follow in the future. Pity.

    Humm.. maybe I should get a new inlet manifold with a belt on it?

    I have heard kenne bell make a good one?

  8. #18
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    My guess it is another consequence of Covid and the supply issues since, there are millions of these engines in a variety of vehicles. I am sure they will be back in stock one day. Is there no upgrade option? Probably going to be a lot more money.


  9. #19
    Administrator Nich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    Humm.. maybe I should get a new inlet manifold with a belt on it?

    I have heard kenne bell make a good one?
    I thought David made a good point here;

    ... more important though is to get your full membership sorted out, since I just noticed you still haven't done that, and not being "green", will be unable to read most of the vast amount of advice here you obviously need, in threads which are closed to you. Same applies to your questions in post #11, I'm afraid.
    My £50 MGOC renewal just plopped through the letter box, obviously far from welcome, but worth every penny for the full Two-Sixties access.
    All of the relevant information is on the forum, available to full members, if you seriously want to sort this problem then you need to get your questionnaire back to Tim and join the MGOC. That way you can do the research for yourself. Simples!

    Nicholas John Peter Tinker - # 484

    Manufactured on Tuesday 27th April 2004 @ 12.17.47.
    Commission Number: 24468.
    Brochure Model: M3 Tourer 4.6 V8 260PS.
    Specification Code: L01B.
    CICode: D1511.
    Trim Level: TL8.9 (M3).

    65th ZT-T 260SE to be made out of 115.
    11th ZT-T 260 SE in Pearl Black (PBT) out of 23 produced.

    Manufactured in the UK by MG Rover Group Ltd.

  10. #20
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SCP440 View Post
    Is there no upgrade option? Probably going to be a lot more money...
    Edelbrock do an alloy intake called the Victor Junior, https://www.americanmuscle.com/edelb...ld-9904gt.html
    $480 + $160 for the special fuel rails and $169 for the low profile elbow.. and a standard throttle body and plenum won't fit either anyway!
    Important to look at the video review on the American Muscle webpage too, I think; not really a regular road-use option?

    Then there is the TrickFlow at almost $1500. I didn't look further into that.

    Can't see anyone stocking the Professional Products Typhoon anymore, but here is a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S4nmbMlosw
    Member 'Mike H' here has one fitted, and I read that it cost him $800 in 2007!
    They claim only +11hp but Mike sys "it looks good"!

    All are US prices for US customers, so for us there is always the delivery, tax and import duty to think about on top.

    Last edited by David; 19-11-2022 at 12:11 PM.

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