A few issues to work on..
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Thread: A few issues to work on..

  1. #1
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    Cool A few issues to work on..

    So, picked up my new (to me) ZT V8 on Saturday.

    Had a great few days getting to know the car, lots of character and I love the sound! .

    A few issues need attending to though.

    The 1st one is a noise coming from what I think is the rear diff during deceleration.

    I'm planning on Changing the oil first to see if that helps, but if it doesn't improve, what would you recommend?

    2nd issue is some vibration though the front wheels.
    The front tyres are a bit cracked so I'm going to replace them and ballance the wheels, but if the vibration remains, what else should I check?

    3rd issue is an occasional misfire under hard acceleration, also some unfamiliar sounds under the bonnet that may or may not be normal, but will post a video to confirm.

    4th issue is today after a very short drive in the cold morning I noticed some steam coming from the top corner of the bonnet on passenger side (close to windscreen) . Checked under bonnet and seemed to be coming from side of engine. Didn't last long and I don't think I've lost any coolant.

    5th issue is an ABS light

    6th issue is an EML light because of an EGR blanking plate. Can this be mapped out of the ECU ? Or do I need to put a small hole in the plate?

    7th minor issue is the rear end seems a little too keen to step out. Is this because of the diff? Or because the front end feels softer than the rear? Perhaps suspension needs refreshing on the front?


    8th issue is a slack throttle cable and a rough feel under operation.

    9th issue is a slight notchy feel to the clutch pedal.
    Last edited by Gaz; 28-09-2022 at 11:54 PM.

  2. #2
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    The slight misfire and the steam could be connected. Look around with a torch for any coolant stains around any of the COPs, but particularly check the rearmost COP on the passenger side by removing the 7mm securing bolt and pulling the COP off the plug. Ant sign of water in the plug recess, or wetness on the rubber shaft of the COP? That plug often gets it being "fed" water by leaky screen-wash jet, or in other cases if the intake manifold gasket is leaky. If the intake has ever been disturbed, the rearmost bolt near that COP is difficult to torque down correctly (access), particularly the final "warm" re-torque, and often gets "forgotten".

    A 4mm hole in the EGR blanking plate is a good idea, and may well help with the EML light, if indeed that is the reason for it coming on.

    Would be nice to have some pictures of the car, Gaz, if possible (blue by any chance?). What are the last 3 characters of the VIN?
    Knowing that my also help to trace past owners on the Forum, and reveal any otherwise undocumented problems or work done in the past. Finally, and most importantly, make sure you join up now as a full member. Until you are 'green' you will not be able to access loads of technical information here to help with the niggles you have. Just PM or email Tim and ask for a questionnaire to be sent to your email-address.

    Last edited by David; 29-09-2022 at 10:32 AM.

  3. #3
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    Not blue sadly! But the Red is kind of growing on me!

    Having trouble uploading pics but it's the red saloon mk2 from Stockton on Tees.

  4. #4
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    Not blue sadly! But the Red is kind of growing on me!

    Having trouble uploading pics but it's the red saloon mk2 from Stockton on Tees.
    Oh yes, #541, Neil Revell's Solar Red car. I've updated the 'List of our cars in VIN order 001 to 883', not that you can actually see that thread yet!


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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Oh yes, #541, Neil Revell's Solar Red car. I've updated the 'List of our cars in VIN order 001 to 883', not that you can actually see that thread yet!

    Cheers. Also just remembered it has a problem with the climate control. Funny noises from behind the dashboard when the blowers are on and it mostly just blows hot air except for the rare occasion it blows cold. I had to leave the windows open on the drive home because it was too hot. Unfortunately it was raining pretty hard so I got a bit wet. Lol

  6. #6
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    Cheers. Also just remembered it has a problem with the climate control. Funny noises from behind the dashboard when the blowers are on and it mostly just blows hot air except for the rare occasion it blows cold. I had to leave the windows open on the drive home because it was too hot. Unfortunately it was raining pretty hard so I got a bit wet. Lol
    Loads of information about that here (it's caused by the left/right coolant distribution balance valve getting confused), assuming the A/C compressor is working, that is. There are work-arounds, but unfortunately you will have to become a full member to read most/all of the relevant threads. Best get that sorted, Gaz.

    For now, just setting the left and right side temperatures up and down to different values between Hi and Lo, may be enough to keep it happy and stop the 'di-da-whir' melody, if you are lucky.

    Last edited by David; 30-09-2022 at 06:19 PM.

  7. #7
    Registered User TyphoonTom's Avatar
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    5th issue is an ABS light - If you have done all the checks for the sensors and the rings are all good then it could be the ABS ECU. This fails because of the heat soak from the manifolds drying out the soldered joints inside the module. There are companies that will repair them, I posted on the forum about the one I used a while ago.

    8th issue is a slack throttle cable and a rough feel under operation. - The OE throttle cable is not great and no amount of oiling will solved the notchy feel. I highly recommend you build yourself a new one from a universal aftermarket manufacturer. Again there are lots of posted about it on the forum!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Loads of information about that here (it's caused by the left/right coolant distribution balance valve getting confused), assuming the A/C compressor is working, that is. There are work-arounds, but unfortunately you will have to become a full member to read most/all of the relevant threads. Best get that sorted, Gaz.

    For now, just setting the left and right side temperatures up and down to different values between Hi and Lo, may be enough to keep it happy and stop the 'di-da-whir' melody, if you are lucky.

    I've done the 'demist' test and the radiator fan does not spin up. It does come on when it's hot though, but I'm guessing one of the speeds is broken?

    Got a few extra issues now too!

    Coolant leak from the manifold and the last few days I've been having rough running issues.

    Seems to be worse some days than others, this morning it was stuttering/missing as I was going down the road.

    Yesterday it seemed fine, but the couple days ago it was ticking over and it was idling like a bag of bolts?

    Need New Coils ? / contamination from the Coolant?

    Also changed the oil in the Diff the other day, it was black. Has quietened it down a bit but is still a little noisey, Guess it might need rebuilding perhaps?

  9. #9
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    I've done the 'demist' test and the radiator fan does not spin up. It does come on when it's hot though, but I'm guessing one of the speeds is broken?
    Probably the fan resistor needs replacing.
    Bumper-off job, but easy enough to do as a DIY task.

    Coolant leak from the manifold and the last few days I've been having rough running issues.
    Probably coolant in the plug well recess(es). Detach a coil from some of the plugs in the area of the leak and see (single special locating bolt, 7mm I think; careful not to drop it). No need to detach the electrical connector on the COP to be able to pull it off the sparkplug and out enough to look. Probably soaking wet. If you have a OBD-II tester, you will probably see P-codes pending, showing precisely which plug(s) are misfiring.
    If so, look towards fixing/replacing the leaking manifold ASAP, otherwise the long springs in the coil-tubes which connect to the plug-caps, will start to rust, necessitating replacement of the COP. Anyway a leaking manifold will only get worse, whether it be a gasket or "plastic rot"

    Last edited by David; 17-11-2022 at 05:33 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Probably the fan resistor needs replacing.
    Bumper-off job, but easy enough to do as a DIY task.

    Probably coolant in the plug well recess(es). Detach a coil from some of the plugs in the area of the leak and see (single special locating bolt, 7mm I think; careful not to drop it). No need to detach the electrical connector on the COP to be able to pull it off the sparkplug and out enough to look. Probably soaking wet. If you have a OBD-II tester, you will probably see P-codes pending, showing precisely which plug(s) are misfiring.
    If so, look towards fixing/replacing the leaking manifold ASAP, otherwise the long springs in the coil-tubes which connect to the plug-caps, will start to rust, necessitating replacement of the COP. Anyway a leaking manifold will only get worse, whether it be a gasket or "plastic rot"

    Cheers! . Is the gasket easy enough to replace? And where to buy in the UK?

    Also where best to get a manifold in the UK if its cracked/no good?

    Side question about the manifold, does coolant only flow though the separate pipe on the front of the manifold?

    If it does, I'm curious why they bothered sandwiching the plastic manifold between it and the head? And not directly to it.

    But I'm probably missing something in the design.

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