Improve/restore my ZT-T bit by bit or just take it all on? - Page 2
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Thread: Improve/restore my ZT-T bit by bit or just take it all on?

  1. #11
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Bennekom, , Netherlands.


    First and most of all thank you all for your idea's, advice and support.
    It so much helps when owners with experience comment. Maybe I did go a bit overboard on pulling the engine/gearbox.
    Although i would be able to detail the engine bay

    David I will reach out to you. Your knowledge and insight will be very helpful.
    Specially since you also know the who is who in the Dutch scene.

    When ordering from the shop. Will the invoice specify VAT or is it possible to order excluding VAT?
    Dutch authorities slam VAT (21%) on it whether already paid or not. It is possible to protest but a lot of work.

    The alternative is to take a short vacation break and bring back the parts.
    Not sure the shop will deliver to a hotel or pick up is possible? But with careful planning it would probably pay for the trip.
    Already ordered some smaller parts like LCD's which a colleague will carry over for me.

    For now decided to drive it for at least 1000 km. Best way to find out what is wrong or needs improving.
    But will not wait too long with the rusty bits. Although i hate how the front bumper sits badly, it does not stop me from driving it.
    Will also closely inspect the sub-frame see how bad it really is.

    My "problem" is that I still have the pictures when the car was new.
    So looking at those I really want to adjust the front end.

    Any further suggestions are very much appreciated.
    Thanks for your help.

  2. #12
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Breugel, Holland


    I think I can help with lots of information there, Peter, but perhaps best via personal email if not contact/telephone.
    For example, there is a company just over the Dutch/German border who will change the IPK display in your instrument binnacle (if that's what you meant), or do it by post, at Euro 130 fitted, about the same price as the UK or less, without the duty/tax/fees hassle. 5 year guarantee too.

    You should be aware that any goods being imported from the UK into the EU are, at least in theory, subject to tax and possibly duty now, whether they are posted or hand-carried (if you can eat them it's not allowed, basically, so rules out importing cases of Marmite to subsidise the trip!). Only gifts from private individuals valued at under about 45 Euro's are free of tax, duty and handling charges, but PostNL ALWAYS charge anyway, and its up to you to try and get it back. So far 100% record, but takes weeks. They even apologise.

    Drop me a line?

    Last edited by David; 04-06-2022 at 10:00 PM.

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