Supercharged ZT values?
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Thread: Supercharged ZT values?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2010

    Default Supercharged ZT values?

    In my search for a ZT V8 I've also been keeping an eye out for a supercharged vehicle, ideally a saloon.

    I'm just wondering what people's opinions are on what they are worth?

    A quick look though the last 3 years of sold cars and I've seen SC equipped cars sell between about 9k to 12k .

    They are a bit of a unicorn, but has anyone actually seen one sell for any more than the noted prices above?

  2. #2
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Breugel, Holland


    Yes. I know of 4 confirmed at or above the higher amount you mention, since 2016.
    I think there well be others, but not at a confirmed sales price.

    There are many more non-supercharged cars that were sold way above your price window, so the price ticket of an S/C car will not always be simply a function of the 'charger anyway.

    Last edited by David; 18-04-2022 at 06:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Mar 2010


    For sure. Lots of factors account for a cars value. Mileage, condition. As you say some non SC cars have sold for more.. from what I've seen they were super low Mileage and great condition.

    I'm half tempted to find the cheapest v8 I can and gamble on doing an SC install from scratch despite being advised that it isn't as easy as tuning a mustang.

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