How many v8 mk2s in Trophy Blue?
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Thread: How many v8 mk2s in Trophy Blue?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question How many v8 mk2s in Trophy Blue?

    As title, just curious how many mk2 v8s are in Trophy blue?

    Just seen a mk2 for sale and I'm not sure if it's Trophy or ignition blue?

    It's reg is ' V88 MFS ' if anyone knows the car?

  2. #2
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    As title, just curious how many mk2 v8s are in Trophy blue?

    Just seen a mk2 for sale and I'm not sure if it's Trophy or ignition blue?

    It's reg is ' V88 MFS ' if anyone knows the car?
    8 Mk2 in Trophy blue, the last 2 of which were ZT-T's. The first Trophy Mk2 was a ZT non-SE, VIN #227, the car you mention above I believe.
    In total, 3 were non-SE including 1 of the Tourers, and all were RHD cars destined for the British market.

    More Mk1 cars were made, 15 in fact.

    (Can you PM me about the one you saw for sale please, so that I can keep the 'Complete List' up to date. Thanks).

    Last edited by David; 01-04-2022 at 10:01 PM.

  3. #3
    just more wrinkle ! ceedy's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    innit 22 trophy blues in total with 2 being Tourers ? sorry can't remember who many were Mk 1's

    Our Three bloo's, ZR105, ZT 260#50 , CDTI Auto ,now No1 Son has spoilt the set with a Firefrost 1.8T

  4. #4
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    List of 260's, ZT & ZT-T's, in Trophy Blue ( * = Tourer)

    Mk.1, 15 viz:

    Mk.2, 8 viz:

    Total =23 ... according to the MGR database, that is.

    Of the ZT-T's, 'Two-Sixties' Members own #123 and #431 currently but #577 is no longer with us, having been used as a donor car in the resurrection of (one of the two!) VIN #005 cars, the technical/electrical documentation "photo model" and classroom training car, VIN ....GB3D000005.

    Photographs of all but 4 of the 23 Trophy Blue cars can be seen in the Forum "Photographs of Cars - Ordered by VIN" Gallery (missing are #113, #145, #245 and #368).

    Last edited by David; 02-04-2022 at 03:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Anybody know the owner of the 'V88 MFS' ?

    I'm struggling to get any reply to my Facebook PM's even though he's replied on the for sale post he put up.

    A contacts number or email address would be great if anybody has any details for him.

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