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Thread: Hello new member :)

  1. #11
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Breugel, Holland


    Welcome from one Chatsworth to another.
    Don't forget to get your questionnaire back to Tim, so that you can go 'green' as a full member and actually see the Forum threads you may need.
    What's your "problem" list looking like at the moment?


  2. #12
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2022


    Thank you Colin

    I must admit, I was looking for a black R75, but the goldy bronze colour is growing on me. It does turn a few heads.

    I shall have a look at the questionnaire Friday evening.


    (1) Oil leak from the front end of the differential. My local mechanic said it needs to be removed and overhauled.
    (2) ABS light illuminates at speed, ie. 60mph+. No light at start-up so it is passing the self diagnostic. Mechanic thinks is it likely to be corroded reluctor rings that have swollen and expand further when hot at speed. I understand that these cannot be relaced in isolation and new drive shalfs are required.
    (3) No power to the sunroof.
    (4) A sping type clunk with the steering hard over at maneuvering speeds.

    Sounds rather expensive £££ lol.


  3. #13
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Breugel, Holland


    When you get your membership through, yo will finds several threads helping with those points, mostly in detail. Rear reluctor rings can be fitted to the driveshafts, which is good because driveshafts are in low supply or NLA. If the steering clunk is a "pogo stick" feel, then almost all do that on full lock, and is nothing to worry about (tends to be related to type of tyre too). If yo are getting 'groaning' as well, then it could be the front strut top mount bearing seized or worn, causing the spring to judder as it rotates turns. They are cheap as chips, and easy to diagnose and replace anyway.
    Sunroof could be anything, from fuse up!

    Last edited by David; 28-07-2022 at 12:09 PM.

  4. #14
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Ashby de La Zouch


    Welcome from down the road in Ashby , enjoy your ownership

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