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Thread: Hello

  1. #11
    Registered User JJay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeff turbo View Post
    I have nexpeak and that reads 260 engine codes
    Thanks for that Jeff.

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Since you bought the car I guess on or about 14 September (??), which is when they stopped listing it, you should go back and point the dealer to the word "guarantee".
    Failing that, get him in any case to read the error code causing it and tell you what is wrong according to the code, and how he intends to fix it.

    There is a story to this, isn't there always? I bought it at the end of September. I thought it was going through as a dealer sale, it was advertised on the business website, but when it came to paying they wanted it go through as a private sale and not part of the business which surprised me but i could understand it to a degree as it one of the owners private vehicles. Either way i didn't intend missing it , I know that my rights as a dealer sale give me much more security and consumer rights and that as a private sale are non existent. I am not disappointed with the car i absolutely love it. Whatever it needs it will get.

  2. #12
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    OK. Bit naughty of the dealer maybe, but as you say, too nice and scarce a car to miss perhaps.
    Down to the nitty-gritty. Read the error code or get it read, and proceed from there. Probably not so much of a problem; always soluble in any event. Lots of info and advice available here when your membership "greenness" allows you access.

    If your MGOC membership number is not yet through (can take some time), PM Tim, and tell him the the application has been made and is being processed. That may help.

    Last edited by David; 23-10-2021 at 10:43 PM.

  3. #13
    Registered User Pete's Avatar
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    I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.
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  4. #14
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Clearly no use to me personally over in Holland, but nonetheless a very concise and clear explanation of UK law for the majority. Good to know. Thanks, Pete.

    Bit different to Norway, reading the 'statutory statements' included in ads for a ZT260 dealer-advertised and now an R75V8 currently for private sale. Apparently under law a dealer in Norway has to give a full guarantee for 5 years, and a private seller 2, on all second hand vehicles. That carries a very broad definition too. You can get a refund " ... if the car is in worse condition than you as the buyer had reason to expect, based on the car's age, mileage and information you have received". No wonder second-hand cars cost an arm and a leg there.

    Last edited by David; 24-10-2021 at 03:28 PM.

  5. #15
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
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    If you're happy then it doesn't matter. You'll soon sort the engine management light once the code can be read
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