Supercharger kit
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Thread: Supercharger kit

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Supercharger kit

    Does anybody know where I can purchase a SC kit from here in the UK? I'm looking at the kenne bell kits from the states but after postage and import duties etc etc have been added on it becomes very costly.

    Just out of interest has anybody turbocharged a 260?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Garvagh. Coleraine, Northern Ireland


    SC Kits in the UK tend to be second hand units, and it's the mapping that is critical

    Lack of space is issue for turbos

    To be blunt cost vs value - if you want faster/more power buy a different car. The SC kits are expensive.
    Last edited by ColinE; 21-10-2021 at 09:22 AM.
    Colin Ellis #456 It'll be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end

  3. #3
    Registered User SCP440's Avatar
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    Yes good advice, I was told years ago if you want a car that goes like a Ferrari, buy a Ferrari.


  4. #4
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    And to all that have had superchargers fitted? They have wasted their money then basically.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Not quite the response I was looking for. I have the choice of 4 other high powered cars but thats not the point.

  6. #6
    Registered User stevemiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biggs View Post
    And to all that have had superchargers fitted? They have wasted their money then basically.
    I have to disagree, I love my K/B car. I have had a few issues but have no desire to swap to anything else, they are just different.
    VIN 260 Steve Miller

  7. #7
    Administrator Nich's Avatar
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    Even at the height of 'supercharging madness' the cost was in the region of £7000 and we are talking a few years ago. Given that the price of a second hand standard 260 is approx in the region of £8000 then the addition of a £7000 supercharger was realistic in the sense that the car would probably sell for approx £14000 - £15000 so it wasn't necessarily a waste of money on the part of owners wishing for more power and a more unique car. I don't know what figures you have been quoted but it might be worth talking to Chris at MG Lifestyle who would be the only person at the moment carrying out these conversions and he will be able to give you more up to date information on kits from the US and the potential costs.
    If you really want more information you should get your completed questionnaire back to Tim to get full access to the forum, lots of information about supercharging available.

    Nicholas John Peter Tinker - # 484

    Manufactured on Tuesday 27th April 2004 @ 12.17.47.
    Commission Number: 24468.
    Brochure Model: M3 Tourer 4.6 V8 260PS.
    Specification Code: L01B.
    CICode: D1511.
    Trim Level: TL8.9 (M3).

    65th ZT-T 260SE to be made out of 115.
    11th ZT-T 260 SE in Pearl Black (PBT) out of 23 produced.

    Manufactured in the UK by MG Rover Group Ltd.

  8. #8
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    I think you misunderstood what was being said, maybe. Many of the S/C cars out there are excellent I hear, but a few certainly not, so it can become a bit of a lottery, depending on which way you turn.

    • Dreadnought conversions based on the KB supercharger are excellent, but no longer available. So a second hand car with one already fitted is the only option there.
    • A new/secondhand KB S/C, if you can find one, will need mapping properly. Major problem. Dreadnought are not allowed to map those they have not fitted, nor to provide the mapping to others. KB will not help there either.
    • Roush S/C ZT's were factory made (1 car only?), although some MGR factory engines escaped, with or without properly mapped ECUs.
    • One-off conversions, like #027 done by Chris Flanagan of Retro Sports, was MG Lifestyle, (using an Eaton?) for example, can be expensive.
    • Nobody knows how good/bad the mapping is on the Russian Paxton/Vortech blown car, #559, or how acceptable the conversion is, as far as I know. The car has recently gone "off radar" again, probably sold. Paxton no longer list a 'charger for the 4.6 2V.

    ... all in all, not an easy task any more, and probably problematical enough to make you think not worth while, hence the "Ferrari" quip above I imagine, apart of course from finding an existing converted car with known provenance?

    Last edited by David; 22-10-2021 at 01:48 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biggs View Post
    And to all that have had superchargers fitted? They have wasted their money then basically.
    No that's not what I was saying, but the cost of the KB kit from the US, plus the work to fit and correctly map the car - it's not just the mustang map, is in excess of the cost/value of a 260 these days. If you can find supercharged car with history for sale then that would be the way to go. Getting more power out of the 260 within the space available is expensive. There is a mass of information on the s/c situation in a dedicated section on here
    Colin Ellis #456 It'll be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end

  10. #10
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Breugel, Holland


    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE View Post
    ... If you can find supercharged car with history for sale then that would be the way to go...
    ... Such as this Dreadnought ZT-T with extensive history, currently for sale from a member in Devon, for example:

    575a.jpg From the current Complete List of 260s FOR SALE thread:

    2004 MG ZT-T 260 SE Dreadnought 400 S/C, Royal Blue, 105,210 miles, £12,000, VIN #575
    Last edited by David; 22-10-2021 at 12:35 PM.

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