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Thread: Supercharging?

  1. #11
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Indeed, not that it would be interesting for me with a R75V8 Auto; Dreadnought experimented with the R75V8, but couldn't get anything near to satisfactory, I understand.

    Manjit did a couple of ZT 260s, and was going to have a crack at offering S/C conversions as a product, but that appears to be a dead-end too now.

    Everyone has been trying to persuade Brain ('scooter' at Dreadnought), to consider opening up the "S/C shop" again for several years, but he won't be swayed.

    Last edited by David; 21-07-2021 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Indeed, not that it would be interesting for me with a R75V8 Auto; Dreadnought experimented with the R75V8, but couldn't get anything near to satisfactory, I understand.

    Manjit did a couple of ZT 260s, and was going to have a crack at offering S/C conversions as a product, but that appears to be a dead-end too now.

    Everyone has been trying to persuade Brain ('scooter' at Dreadnought), to consider opening up the "S/C shop" again for several years, but he won't be swayed.

    I think it should be noted that one of the issues is the general health of the engine - it has been found that engines that have been redlined are more prone to failure post SC, as these cars age and change hands it is very difficult for the owner to guarantee to the company doing the SC that the engine is in good health. Short of an engine rebuild as part of the SC project - more expense - then I don't see a work around. Signing an agreement that you accept that engine failure post SC install is at owners own risk doesn't really instil confidence.

    And Brian has made it very clear that they won't be starting SC projects again - partly due to the above and partly the difficulty in getting reliable supply of the components.
    Colin Ellis #456 It'll be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end

  3. #13
    Registered User stevemiller's Avatar
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    My rebuild using Teksid block and fully forged (Rated to 650 BHP capability) will be running as the previous two blocks that failed on me 400 bhp. My man maths may be incorrect but this is my rough calculation. Engine $7375 plus Sundries $2328 ($9703 @ 1/1.38 = £7031 plus carriage (£500 - £2100) plus import duties = total £9.5k to £11k. Then install (I have the S/C already (Dreadnought 2010) plus heads 1 possibly 2 means not much change £14k. At a £14k on the road cost the car should just be around its selling potential (Not for Sale). I have chosen this route as with all the best intentions and providence my first engine popped around 50k miles and the second 7k miles at install plus only 2k miles of further use I want to know I will not break this third install, touch wood. I could only justify this as the car has been in my hands since early 2008, I know the car.

    To S/C on a car that could have been over 6000 revs a number of time if you are second, third owner etc is asking for trouble. A new crate 5.0 will cost around £9k unless already in the UK and then you have still got to get it in the car. I would say you really, really need to want this to justify the cost. Worth it if you plan to keep for many a year, like me.

    A poor man signing off!
    VIN 260 Steve Miller

  4. #14
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    Could an ECU from a running supercharged car not just be cloned?

  5. #15
    Registered User Les4048's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    Could an ECU from a running supercharged car not just be cloned?
    Yes it can but you’ll run the risk of landing and in court as the map belongs to Sean Hyland

  6. #16
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Les4048 View Post
    Yes it can but you’ll run the risk of landing and in court as the map belongs to Sean Hyland
    As I understand it, only Brian had (/has?) the license to install the Kenne Bell with a SHM map in the UK, and then only a vehicle installation on his own premises. No selling on or "sub-licensing" of the map or mapped ECU's. If Dreadnought chooses not to, or is prevented from installing, now or in the future, and SHM is not willing to re-assign an installation license for their map, then it appears that the route of using the KB charger with a proven, reliable ZT260 map is firmly closed.

    I assume that SHM have it legally covered, in that if someone buys a Dreadnought converted car, the license restrictions continue to apply, preventing cloning. After all, as second or third owner etc., you did not actually sign any agreement directly with SHM or Dreadnought.

    There are plenty of Mustang 4.6 2V supercharging possibilities, also including using the Kenne Bell charger, but as 'colintf' says, the ZT260 map is the problem. For example:

    Last edited by David; 21-03-2022 at 02:45 PM.

  7. #17
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    Sean Hyland Motorsport went out of Business a few years ago so they no longer exist as a company so i am sure it would be fine but not needed as honestly having looked extensivly into mapping of the SV and other Mustang deriviatives there are plenty of places you can get it sorted in the UK or the US
    I am sure Chris can do it at Retro for the 260 but you could also speak to a US tuner VMP, Lund, Steve Shrader etc who have tuned many Mustangs and swap vehicles.
    Last edited by Dominic22; 21-03-2022 at 06:35 PM.

  8. #18
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    Given all the issues, I cannot say I am surprised. In that case why anybody would have any qualms in extracting the map, I have no idea. As if many people would care about a tiny handful of enthusiasts with cars hardly anyone even has heard of.
    I am sure it has already been done, but will say nothing further on that!

  9. #19
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Somebody did care enough to create it in the first place, and just not knowing the ownership of the intellectual rights, doesn't mean it's perfectly legal to claim them for yourself. As you say, probably not going to be a problem because you're unlikely to be found out, but not exactly ethical is it?

    I used to make software for a business and was robbed blind by people "borrowing" the results of my efforts, and claiming it didn't really matter.
    Common "justification" was that everybody does it. No they don't, only thieves do.

    Last edited by David; 22-03-2022 at 11:53 AM.

  10. #20
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    The business does not exist. So there is quite literally no other option.

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