Any info/history on #003?
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Thread: Any info/history on #003?

  1. #1
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    Default Any info/history on #003?

    I'm interested in buying the zt 260 #003 . Apparently this is a prototype with a cable clutch. Does anybody know anything about this car? Or could even take a look at it for me in London area before I went down to see it?

    I'm all the way in Shropshire area you see.


  2. #2
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    I'm interested in buying the zt 260 #003 . Apparently this is a prototype with a cable clutch. Does anybody know anything about this car? Or could even take a look at it for me in London area before I went down to see it?

    I'm all the way in Shropshire area you see.

    Good morning Gaz, and welcome back after 11 years!

    I can tell you that #003 is known the Two-Sixties, having been owned by a member in the past. There is not a lot of information, except in private 'Member only' postings, but I can't see anything untoward being said, apart from the fact that it is a bit 'quirky' being a very early production car. The clutch you have noted, but some other things are fairly unique to cars up to #027, the first SERIES production car. Nothing to worry about, but different.

    Numbers #002 to#026 are not technically prototypes, rather early production development cars, not intended for sale to the general public. Fully type-approved Production cars, but not made on the production-line as such. Some were used as press cars, sales training vehicles, and some as MGR Director's/Management cars etc. Eventually in fact, the majority of them did 'escape'. The specific role of #003 is unclear though, if indeed it had a planned role at all. It certainly wasn't a crash test car !! The fact that it is a very early car should not negatively influence its market value in my opinion. In fact, an early LHD sibling, #012, is for sale in France for about £40,000 at present!

    I wouldn't let that put me off personally, and I would take a look, but that is only my personal assessment.

    Last edited by David; 18-07-2021 at 12:05 PM.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply! Has it really been that long? Lol

    Ideally I'd like a trophy blue v8 with a super charger, but this 003 seems to be calling to me.

    Dumb question, but when do the belts need changing on these v8s? And is it expensive?

  4. #4
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    ... Ideally I'd like a trophy blue v8 with a super charger ...
    There are two supercharged 260s known to exist in that colour, but I think both are "spoken for". There are several in Ignition Blue and a couple in Chagall, but none are known to be for sale at the mo. There is however a Royal Blue supercharged ZT-T for sale currently. Check out post #18 in the Complete List here:

    ... Dumb question, but when do the belts need changing on these v8s? And is it expensive?
    260's don't have cambelts, but chains which last at least 150k miles.
    Clutches can be expensive, being an engine out job really. A noisy diff can point to an expensive problem (£1k-ish). Rear subframe and front struts, rot in both cases, are also known to be (commonly needed) expensive items.

    Last edited by David; 18-07-2021 at 12:41 PM.

  5. #5
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    How about non super charged trophy blue v8 mk1s?

  6. #6
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaz View Post
    How about non super charged trophy blue v8 mk1s?
    Well, just look in the Complete List I posted for you. Post #16 in the thread (VIN #057) should fit the bill?
    Only 14 Mk1 ZT's and 1 Mk1 ZT-T in total were ever made in Trophy Blue (all RHD), so chances are pretty slim of others coming on the market.

    That list is updated several times a day, so you just can keep looking there. It's pretty complete too.

    Last edited by David; 18-07-2021 at 08:05 PM.

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