New or potential owners: Please understand the V8 before spending money
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Thread: New or potential owners: Please understand the V8 before spending money

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  1. #1
    Administrator Tim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Surrey, United Kingdom.

    Thumbs up New or potential owners: Please understand the V8 before spending money

    Please if you are new to the MGR ZT and 75 V8 do your reading. Investigate everything you can before either buying the car or carrying out maintenance. There has been recently a few instances of buying the wrong parts or attempting to do things which may have been easier if inquiries had occurred before starting.

    If you are reading this then you have made the first step If not a member of the Facebook V8 group yet, then that would also be a benefit to you.

    • Avoid parts suppliers until you have checked here or The FB page. A good few suppliers still don't understand the parts needed.
    • Check your facts, ask questions no matter if they seem simple.
    • Once you find the bits needed just check with the group.

    Unless it came from here or the Facebook V8 group take with a pinch of salt. There are a few suppliers and mechanics of whom we would recommend, but you'll need to ask.
    Tim Hayton

    Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not.

  2. #2
    Registered User jeff turbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    I've always used forums and prefer them, much better historic info, though I do also use the facebook page. As you've said many suppliers have no idea
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible
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