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Thread: error code P0175

  1. #11
    #829 called 'Olive' David's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Breugel, Holland


    Quote Originally Posted by essexandy View Post
    A couple of summers ago I had a message 'CHECK ENGINE' appear in the message centre after I collected No.146 from a long layup whilst subframe was replaced and other bits and pieces. Having driven gingerly home I looked under the bonnet, checked fluids etc. the engine seemed to be running fine. I began to wonder whether the long layup was causing the message (condensation etc.) so my solution was to disconnect the battery, leave for a few hours and then reconnect. The warning message had gone and has not reappeared. It may not be a solution in your case as the message has reappeared after being cleared but it might be worth a try.

    Worth a try. You may be lucky; no-cost option.
    In your case Andrew, I suspect that maybe some old fuel, going 'waxy' from the lay-up, clogged an injector causing it to be too open or closed, which cleared itself?

    On reflection that makes your problem, Rob, similar perhaps since you "hadn't used it for a while". Don't take it lightly though, as Peter/'Harrygsi' did when an injector self-destructed which fire-hosed fuel into the engine and wrecked it!

    Last edited by David; 04-03-2017 at 12:42 PM.

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