Important information
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Thread: Important information

  1. #1
    Registered User Bukak's Avatar
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    Default Important information

    Hello this is the owner of vin 699, I'm other words the car selling for 2k on gumtree, I have received a call today from a gentleman who has informed me that some members of the mg zt & rover 75 forum are making false claims about my car, I would just like to clear a few points, first being the factory fitted sohc engine means single over head cam there fore the cams are at the top of the engine, the best part about having a over head cam is that if you need to get to the camshaft, covers rockers Ect you can do so with out pulling the engine out, all though whilst installed to the zt 260 there are 3 bulkhead panels that need to be removed in order to remove the cam covers, so no you you do not have to pull the engine on a 260 to replace a tappet, this is not information I have pulled of the net I have done the procedure my self, secondly there has been a false report that my car has had a rear end shunt, that the rear pannel looks questionable, the fact is the boot was a jar in the photo in order to disconnect and recconect the battery to prolong life, no more accusations or stories please this is a genuine sale and everyone that has contacted me will agree I'm very thorough with detail. Thank you

  2. #2
    Registered User Richb's Avatar
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    Dec 2014



    my advice would be to take a load more photos including the shut lines around he boot and rear panels and post the car up for sale on the OC forum. You should also give more info on the cars history, when / mileage it had the replacement engine, what work you have done on the engine and what is left to do to get it running. Don't withhold info as it just gets the rumours going.

    Its definately a car that needs returning to full health, it's seems that the amount of dis-information now circulating is putting people off.

    2003 ZT 260SE Monogram Garnet Red #073
    2004 ZT-T+ CDTi Aquamarine
    1999 MX-5 Turbo

  3. #3
    Administrator Tim's Avatar
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    Agree pump more detail on Jack, plus why £2k? seem well cheap. Could have gone to £4k and get beaten down to £3.5
    Tim Hayton

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  4. #4
    Registered User Bukak's Avatar
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    London, littlehampton


    Hi guys thanks for posting, the fact is the misfire and the shock absorber are the only two problems with the car, of course there's some tiny issues like original floor mats and the under tray that could do with a few more screws but that's it, the reason it's 2k is because the most recent 260 I saw for sale was only 3k again immaculate condition and all it needed was a new air bag sensor, plus I needed I rather quick sale biggest reason being my company van now is tracked so I cannot use it outside work. As before I could commute to my garage on the weekends and work on the car but it's just impossible now.

  5. #5
    Registered User Richb's Avatar
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    Dec 2014


    How did you get on with the engine Jack? Last you posted that you had the cam covers off and you were repairing/replacing the cam followers. Is that all sorted now or is that still the misfire issue?

    £3K sounds way too low for an immaculate one, where did you see that advertised? There was a base model for sale on here recently for £4K that needed some work, ended up selling for nearer £4.5K on ebay. Another with some interesting MGRover ownership sold for over £7K!

    Good luck with the sale.

    2003 ZT 260SE Monogram Garnet Red #073
    2004 ZT-T+ CDTi Aquamarine
    1999 MX-5 Turbo

  6. #6
    Ex-Admin, RIP Herman's Avatar
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    Think the main concern on the other site is the fact that the car is being sold with a known misfire that has not been sorted yet. That, together with the rear shock, is a risk for a lot of people.

    If it's easy to fix, why not fix it before the sale or at least get the shocks sorted (you can't just replace one)

    I commented on the thread in question pointing out that you can get to the cams with dropping the engine but I also said I'd be very careful buying a car with known faults (for a while now) that have not been sorted. This may suggest people buy a car they can't repair nor sell on.

    Look at it from a buyers perspective as well.

    My first question would be....................why are the faults still present?
    Fear keeps you alive. Fearless gets you killed


    Vin#076 pics, Black, modified and with 234 RWHP and 276 lb/ft (275 BHP and 440 Nm @ flywheel)

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  7. #7
    Registered User Les4048's Avatar
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    It's all over Facebook too, part of the problem seems to be according to reports is that it's advertised then disappears then reappears in an another advertisement. How true that is I don't know but it is making people think it's dodgy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Appleby Magna, Derbyshire DE12



    What happened is that Jack is a victim of taking people at there word to buy it so each time taking it off Gumtree
    ... He will correct me but he has refunded one person a deposit after there house sale fell through one person assured him they were coming to collect it ect.

    I have just sorted the sale to a MG/Rover collector who is a good friend, he is a member on here so will sort him to become a full member now.

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