Well I've decided and made up my mind.
I've spoken to a friend on the phone that does a lot with Motorsport in Angelsey.
It was a long chat and I'll get straight to the point.
Asks me to go outside and look at my car, thinking to myself what is he on about, again he said the same thing.
Well I did go out side as he said and he asked to look at the car and look all around it, interior engine everything.
To start off with I didn't quite get what he ment, but I relised after what he was trying to do.
He wanted me to look at it and think, do i really want to race my OWN car.
The work I've done the parts I've replaced.
The graphics that make the car mine sort of thing, plus can't forget walnut trim and steering wheel.
No i couldn't, its my car and I wouldn't want it to be damaged or scrapped.
I still want to give it a shot, but I'll buy other CDTI for cheap as chips, that's failed an MOT then use that one.
If I can't make it in July, well there's always next year.