25/08/2024 Sweden, member's carjoshjoshua
30/12/2024 Reduced to Euro 6,000.
2004 MG ZT 260 SE, XPG, LHD (converted from RHD), 150,000 miles, Euro 6,000, VIN #699 Seller: Car is in Sweden, but not imported, currently still on UK plates, left UK in 2015 (UK-SORNed, not formally exported).There is no intention to bring the car to the UK. Being LHD, the sale is aimed at the European market rather than UK.
Originally listed 27/03/2023 by Member 'AldoR'
28/05/2024 (Reconfirmed) and reduced to £15,000 from £19,500
23/09/2024. Reconfirmed as still available.
2004 MG ZT 260 SE, Caledonian, 87,000 miles, £15,000, VIN #664
Contact by Facebook Messenger to Armando Stewart Ross (Aldo)
04/04/2024 Germany
20/05/2024 Reduced from Euro 24,990 to Euro 22,990.
02/07/2024 Reduced from Euro 22,990 to Euro 21,990.
02/07/2024 Reduced from Euro 21,990 to Euro 20,990.
17/12/2024 Increased in price to Euro 22,000 (was 20,900), and mileage fell by 1,000 km (?)
24-02-2024, Germany
Re-listed, originally listed 12/02/2023
02/07/2024 Reduced from Euro 29,500 to Euro 27,500
15/07/2024 Reduced from Euro 27,500 to Euro 26,500
14/10/2024 AutoScout24 listing, and increased to Euro 27,500 from Euro 26,500
07/07/2024 reduced from £8,750 to £8,500
12/07/2024 reduced from £8,500 to £7,995
23/09/2024 Reconfirmed as still available.
2004 MG ZT 260 V8 SE, Starlight Silver, 44,000 miles, £7,995, VIN #688, https://www.facebook.com/marketplace...43535363593714
See also Facebook Group 'MG Rover 260 V8 Owners and Enthusiasts', search for posts from Carl Bungay. Seller: " would consider a cheap p/ex. There is a boot full of spares. The original wheels are included"