Here's a few links we've come across that provide more info relating to the Mustang engine...
Here's a few links we've come across that provide more info relating to the Mustang engine...
Justin - Ex-website button-pusher
2003 MG ZT260 SE No. 144
2018 Mini Cooper Clubman
2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
197? Triumph 'Mostly'
1975 Montesa Cota 175
some more that maybe of help.-
Should these be deposited in the "link Pot" somewhere? Otherwise they might get lost in the main hubbub of the forums...
Mark Willcox - Unsnared, like the wind in a net. Unsmeared, like a lotus in water. Leader of others, by others unled: The enlightened call him a sage
Good idea and done. Also moved this thread.
I have made the mustang links group retrackable (little button on the right) for those of you who have little interest in Mustangs other than the engine.
Can contiune to post hear and the redirect in the engine/gearbox section will disappear in a month.
Tim Hayton
Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not.