Cars for Sale - Pictures
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Thread: Cars for Sale - Pictures

  1. #1
    Administrator Nich's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Surrey, United Kingdom.

    Default Cars for Sale - Pictures

    As a bit of a workaround to try and solve some of the problems encountered whilst trying to view images of cars for sale in the Public Area I will upload the images to a hosting site and post the links below.
    Please note that this thread is solely for interested people to view the images and is not intended for general posting. If you have comments you would like to make please post in the relevant thread for the particular car you are interested in - NOT HERE!

    Many thanks, good luck and happy viewing.


    No members entries at the moment.

    Last edited by Nich; 24-05-2017 at 09:26 AM.
    Nicholas John Peter Tinker - # 484

    Manufactured on Tuesday 27th April 2004 @ 12.17.47.
    Commission Number: 24468.
    Brochure Model: M3 Tourer 4.6 V8 260PS.
    Specification Code: L01B.
    CICode: D1511.
    Trim Level: TL8.9 (M3).

    65th ZT-T 260SE to be made out of 115.
    11th ZT-T 260 SE in Pearl Black (PBT) out of 23 produced.

    Manufactured in the UK by MG Rover Group Ltd.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Great job Nick
    You've done us all a great service
    Interesting to see just how many are for sale at the moment

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