What does it mean to me?
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Thread: What does it mean to me?

  1. #1
    Administrator Tim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Surrey, United Kingdom.

    Thumbs up What does it mean to me?

    We are getting close to 500 members and with the current climate money is not always there. Should you get such a car? Yes/No/not sure, then ask the collective. We will be completely bias and have an unbalanced view. YES you should get one! Life is too short.

    You are thinking about buying a nice big engined V8 and perhaps wondering if you should join us and the MGOC then again YES.


    While I have been with the group I have benefited from the friendship, the collective knowledge and the buying and development power such a group of people can provide. All the mods needed to my car have been carried out with the minimum of heart ache. Knowing where to find things like the correct oil all I do in look it up in the technical library. I might want to meet up somewhere so I look in the events section. Ooooh I need to buy something nice for my car, I'll have a look in the shop.

    With the shop we can provide a wide range of car parts through to badges, umbrellas and pins. Yes you may not be able to see this if you are a non-owning member (blue) but take my word for it once in there is no escape. Ex members keep the ability to view the complete site as we have found a good number buy another V8.

    I've been an owner now for nearly seven years and belonging to the Two-Sixties has made owning a very rare V8 easy and very enjoyable. If you doubt what I am saying I'm sure others will mention their experiences below.
    Tim Hayton

    Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not.

  2. #2
    Registered User Malcolmr's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Canberra, ACT, Australia


    Spot on Tim - nicely put! Perhaps you should take up journalism!

    Apart from early advice that I would never find a Two Sixty ZT-T in the classic British Racing Green colour ("hen's teeth" one wag told me back when I was looking to buy), the collective has been invaluable with advice, parts, help and solace as my Two Sixty journey has progressed through the inevitable highs and lows. And the car is a dream - I just love driving it!
    VIN 206
    This is definitely not her car...

  3. #3
    LHD ZT260 - # 536
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Hear, hear! For those of us living outside the UK - where the cars are even rarer and few garages have any experience of them - all that you say, Tim, is even more true. Long live the collective!
    Julian Parish - Paris, France
    A recently separated ex-260 owner in France, but still a V8 enthusiast!

  4. #4
    Ex-Admin, RIP Herman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Swindon, , United Kingdom.


    Nice one Tim, you almost made me buy a second one

    It does feel good to be part of this privileged group of enthusiasts
    Fear keeps you alive. Fearless gets you killed


    Vin#076 pics, Black, modified and with 234 RWHP and 276 lb/ft (275 BHP and 440 Nm @ flywheel)

    FJ1200, DynoJet Stage 1, K&N filter

    Alfa MiTo 1.4 Cloverleaf, 170 BHP, Alfa Rosso.

  5. #5
    Shot Silk & Supercharged
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I've been a 260 owner and Two-Sixties member for just short of 4 years and 110,000 miles. The 260 is by a considerable margin the best car I have owned and still enjoy every mile.

    The Two-Sixties and all the support and knowledge available on here has been without a doubt a major contribution to the experience. I think it would be "challenging" trying to run one of these cars without the support that the "Two-Sixties" provides.

    I and others here owe a huge thanks to Tim, anyone called Colin(!), Brian and everyone else who contributes their thoughts and experiences to the forum.

  6. #6
    Registered User John Newey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Wolverhampton, , United Kingdom.


    I have to agree and when I was looking to replace my MG ZT 260 SE, what better car to replace it with than another MG ZT 260 SE-but this time with a Kenne Bell twin screw supercharger !! Most of the people I've sold ZT or 75 V8's to have bought them because of some age old lurve of the V8 and it's soundtrack. The fuel is only a minor issue when compared to the-!!

  7. #7
    Registered User Stefano's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Nr Southend, Essex


    I have driven many different performance cars on road and track and I love the 260. That is praise indeed as I have been fortunate to have legally been taught and able to drive some very powerful cars over the years on our great roads at speeds well in excess of the highest speed limit. I waited a long time to get one. It ticks all my boxes but not unfortunately those of my wife. Will fight to keep it as long as I can even if it has to become my third car!

    The 260's? Well I was advised to join by Steve Tyler of British Legends. Have not looked back. I don't do forums generally but the comraderie, help of members and vast array of knowledge is awesome. Haven't met many of you but I feel part of the club - which in these days where clubs and societies are very cliquey is welcoming. One never feels awkward asking the stupid question. May it long continue.

    Have a great Christmas guys! (collective term covers girls as well as I know some own and drive 260s)
    Sent from my IPAD

    "Its good to torque"

  8. #8
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Droxford, Hampshire


    I fully agree with my fellow members comments. I could not have managed to do what has been done to my car without all the support and encouragement of the membership. At my lowest point, when the engine destroyed itself, they stepped forward and provided all the information and help I needed and the car was back on the road within a month. Thanks everyone and long may it continue.

  9. #9
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Aquitaine France


    Totally agree with all the above. Running a car from an extinct British manufacture (ZT CDTI) in rural France is one thing, running a rare car Q car in this situation is another thing entirely! The confidence the club gives makes this possible. Both MG's get plenty of admiring glances out here, and have given fantastic service, we rely upon them entirely for our business. We run photographic workshops, quite a few guests are 'petrol heads' from the UK, but hardly any know the V8's exist!

  10. #10
    #217 peterv8's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Södra Sandby, Sweden


    I would never have bought my car if the 260's wasn't there and as others say the car is so rare outside UK. I've never owned a car more then 2-3 years but #217 has been with me for more than 6 years now and still pleased with it and feeling confident that I can fix most of the problems that will occure with the help of the collective!:-)

    A big thanks to you all!
    There is no substitute for cubic inches!

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