More for new people not in the Two-Sixties but have the V8.
From ownership of our cars there are some things to keep an eye on as the cars get older as part of your maintenance checks and in addition to the normal service checks:-
Rear springs need checking on a regular basis some have snapped.
Radiator needs regular checks on the drivers side tank return. Seams are popping.
On mk2's upgrade the resistor to the fan to help reduce the likely hood of a short life (Jules Bass on 07831 457011 is selling the upgrade)
Don't over tighten your spark plugs, quite low on torque setting.
Don't fill your screen wash bottle to the top during winter months, try and judge it to about half way on the bottle.
Regularly check your top heater hose going into the bulkhead, above the throttle body. Check by squeezing the elbow for any fractures.
Keep your heater valve moving by adjusting the temperature on a regular basis. The valve is weak.
Do check to see if you have an orange fuel clip if you are a new owner, you will break down if it is not fitted. Or a self tapper into the lid edge.
Keep an eye on the bonnet pull cable, does come out of the junction box
It's recommended to change the diff oil, if you are not sure it has been done then its something to consider.
Check your gearbox insulation, some have come loose.
And a reminder, don't disconnect your satnav until the red light has gone out.
I have made a point of not writing the remedial work needed as this is elsewhere on this site and would make this post too long.
Hope this is useful, and don't panic is not a long list and is from owning a future classic car.![]()