View Full Version : gear box mounts for rover 75 v8

18-06-2011, 11:42 PM
hi guys can any of you`s help me in locating a pair of auto gearbox mounts for my rover 75 v8.any replies will be greatly appreciated
thanks jimmie biggam,elderslie scotland

19-06-2011, 11:58 AM
South Lakelands Minis show it as available:


It appears to be the same as the manual one. Might also be worth contacting your local X Part Dealer - Dreadnought?

19-06-2011, 12:20 PM
If it is the big bracket you're after, look here http://www.southlakesminis.co.uk/brackettransmission-mounting-kqb000860-p-30309.html

Small bracket on the gearbox here http://www.southlakesminis.co.uk/brackettransmission-mounting-kvu000730-p-30401.html

19-06-2011, 12:52 PM
And here (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MG-ZT-260-Gearbox-Mounting-Bracket-NEW-W10-/200577571531?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2eb35adacb) for a new part

19-06-2011, 10:07 PM
Have some of the brackets in stock.

19-06-2011, 10:58 PM
scooter its not the actual bracket but the rubber mountings/bobbins quite similar looking to round engine mounts
ill phone you in the morning to discuss this and to see if your accufabs are in yet
i also got your reply about the bodyshell i bought but i thought a strengthened unused dtm complete with panels for £620 must be a bargain !
what is your thoughts
cheers jimmie biggam

19-06-2011, 11:03 PM
hi tony ill phone scooter in the morning
thanks jimmie biggam

20-12-2021, 07:04 PM
Hope it's OK to resurrect such an old thread but just wondering if there is still a source for these gearbox mount rubbers. Whether they are the same as those used to support other mg rover / land rover boxes.

20-12-2021, 07:33 PM
Hope it's OK to resurrect such an old thread but just wondering if there is still a source for these gearbox mount rubbers. Whether they are the same as those used to support other mg rover / land rover boxes.
Always could be, I suppose, but since they are for supporting the Ford 4R75W automatic box, which isn't used any other MGR/LR cars (maybe some automatic SV's ??), I think the chances are slim.


20-12-2021, 07:54 PM
David are you saying these rubbers are only used on the auto gearbox as mine is a manual 260?
It's labelled "l" on diagram


20-12-2021, 08:00 PM
David are you saying these rubbers are only used on the auto gearbox as mine is a manual 260?
No idea, Steve, just that the thread OP and title were specifically about Rover 75 V8 auto mount rubbers, so I assumed that was what you were looking for.


20-12-2021, 08:38 PM
They are only a Bobbin mount, look at these and I am sure there will be one that is close to what we need https://www.avmountsonline.co.uk/bobbin-mounts/male-male-bobbin-mounts?gclid=Cj0KCQiA8ICOBhDmARIsAEGI6o2FN3MEpY7p_ tDCy6FiW2M0EmXPOe-unGqSY6GeOXSl-kvZhDAJy10aAhBTEALw_wcB

20-12-2021, 09:36 PM
Sorry for the confusion David.
Thanks for the link Steve.
It looks a straight forward job but I've been caught out before on this car. Might have a word with Nick at Austin Garage.
Thanks both.

21-12-2021, 07:58 AM
Personaly I would remove one, measure it and order the nearest version from that link. I suspect the genuine article will be 10 times the price but probably in truth is the same.


21-12-2021, 08:42 AM
Personally I would remove one, measure it and order the nearest version from that link. I suspect the genuine article will be 10 times the price but probably in truth is the same...
Do you happen know if the strength/stiffness of the rubber is a factor, Steve, or they all made much the same in that regard?


21-12-2021, 08:59 AM
Steve please let us know if you identify these.

21-12-2021, 02:40 PM
Will do Pete
Only concern if I measure one of the existing rubbers I don't really know what their original length was as I guess they would have compressed a bit over the years. I'll have to weigh it up.

21-12-2021, 03:08 PM
Will do Pete
Only concern if I measure one of the existing rubbers I don't really know what their original length was as I guess they would have compressed a bit over the years. I'll have to weigh it up.
If the mileage the auctioneers were showing of 19,876 a year ago was accurate, I wouldn't think they would have been too compressed or worn. Having said that, if you think they need attending to, maybe there is another reason? Oil contamination?


21-12-2021, 04:12 PM
It's only done 21k miles now but the engine mountings have been replaced making the cabin a lot quieter, just thought if front rubbers needed replacing the rears may also! No oil leaks either - but they are nearly 20 years old!
Also give me something to do during next lockdown!!

21-12-2021, 04:42 PM
If you look the ones I sent the link too had different load capacities. If a gearbox is about 100kg if you think that is divided by two some that can take 100kg each should be more than up to the job.

I am tempted to pop one of mine out and see how it looks after 100k miles.


21-12-2021, 04:51 PM
The gearbox mountings are at the rear of the gearbox so a lot of the gearbox weight will be transferred to the engine mountings. Getting over rated rubbers may be too hard transferring more vibration to the body. Just a thought.
Also there doesn't look a lot of space to get at them ......


21-12-2021, 05:27 PM
Might be a case of "if it ain't bust ... " ;)
I'll be poking around there with a camera 'endoscope' thingy, when repairing the selector-linkage on my R75V8 after Xmas, so I'll try and see if the auto-box mounting and rubbers are radically different, if possible.


22-12-2021, 05:39 PM
Steve please let us know if you identify these.
Pete - the part no is KQB000870 courtesy of DMGRS but unobtainable

22-12-2021, 05:58 PM
My German is rubbish but it looks like these people are taking orders at 50 Euro each, https://allbrit.de/xepc.cfm?CAR=SARRX&PAGE=11798&SPRACHE=EN#


22-12-2021, 06:37 PM
They usually take the order and payment, and then email back "oops sorry ..." . Bit like Allcarpartsfast/Endon often do.
Tried two items in the past without success. Refund went OK though.
Still worth a try perhaps?

Pity the pages never show the MGR part-number alongside the description.
That page looks to be specifically for "Automatics", if I read it correctly.

Be aware though that the two ball-and-socket ends I bought from a UK supplier to repair my gear selector rod, which normally cost £3.50 in total delivered in the UK, have finally cost me £23 with postage, customs fees, 2xVAT and administration costs to NL, post-Brexit. Any goods you may order in the UK from the EU may well result in similar daylight robbery thanks to the "seamless movement of goods" agreement, I imagine.


22-12-2021, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the info, tips and warnings. Think I will take a good look at the existing rubbers for any signs of damage, wear or deterioration before I order. Something to do over the next week when I think I'm going to have a lot of spare time.

23-12-2021, 09:53 AM
What is interesting is that the mountings and bracket are listed as being different from VIN #732 (in the case of the manual box only). Anyone aware of any design change ?

Tip: If you only get German language on the 'Allbrit' page, alternate between the languages a couple of times using the flag pull-down list, top right. Once was not enough for me!


23-12-2021, 11:53 AM
£50 each though, that is ridiculous for something so freely available from others sources. You could buy all the options and still spend less.


23-12-2021, 12:14 PM
£50 each though, that is ridiculous for something so freely available from others sources. You could buy all the options and still spend less.

Wait until the postage, customs charges, administration charges and UK VAT on everything are added to that !
Don't you just love Brexit?


23-12-2021, 12:43 PM
Yes and that is why I think it has to be worth a try of the ones I sent a link too, if the ones that are £6.39 each work that is a good saving and we will all know for the future when we all start needing them.


23-12-2021, 04:37 PM
What is interesting is that the mountings and bracket are listed as being different from VIN #732 (in the case of the manual box only). Anyone aware of any design change ?

Tip: If you only get German language on the 'Allbrit' page, alternate between the languages a couple of times using the flag pull-down list, top right. Once was not enough for me!


Found this on the rave disc ....


Wonder if it's a better option?

23-12-2021, 04:46 PM
... Wonder if it's a better option?
What option for doing what, and in what sense better? Sorry, don't follow :ash


23-12-2021, 04:56 PM
That this may have replaced the the bobbin set up - assume they wouldn't have changed it unless they thought it was an improvement.
Get it?

23-12-2021, 05:26 PM
That this may have replaced the the bobbin set up - assume they wouldn't have changed it unless they thought it was an improvement.
Get it? I think you may have a better imagination than I do. :confused:


23-12-2021, 08:08 PM
Steve, I think the bobbins are obscured by the aspect view.

24-12-2021, 09:55 AM
I'm only suggesting as a possibility they may have changed the rear mountings after #732 after David's remark that there may have been a design change.
Maybe they utilised the XJ8 rear gear box mountings like the front engine mounts which are a derivative of the XJ8.

Pic from the 260 workshop manual and of the xj8 gearbox mount.



24-12-2021, 10:58 AM
Possible of course, Steve, but the change at #732 as indicated by the German site, if indeed that is fact, still indicates the need for two rubber mountings and the price is the same as prior to #732. That would be unlikely to be so were the change related to an XJ type mount, as you suggest could be the case.
(P.S. Removed your dupe post, Steve).


02-01-2022, 10:31 PM
I'm still looking!! ....... I wonder if they used the BMW gearbox rubbers as they look very similar. Will get it up on the ramps at my local garage - the notch and peg should be a give away - possibly.

https://mgztinfo.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/wp-1641162619454.jpg 4R75W

18-08-2022, 11:37 AM
Just to update:-
I got the car up on the ramps of my local garage and got a lot better look at the rubbers and came to the conclusion with the garage owner (who is an american classic car enthusiast) that the rubbers were fine.
If not I would have bought the cheaper bobbin rubbers to fit before buying the £50 ones.