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View Full Version : standard throttle body

31-07-2010, 10:36 AM
anyone got a standard throttle body they no longer need (ie upgraded to Accufab or BBK?)

I may need one to px for Pete's Accufab (unless it stays on the car when sold)

thanks in advance


31-07-2010, 11:37 AM
Clubs got one for sale Colin, minus the round bit on the side, name escapes me at the moment. Yours for £40 if someone picks it up from my house on the way to Silverstone. £50 if I post it.


anyone got a standard throttle body they no longer need (ie upgraded to Accufab or BBK?)

I may need one to px for Pete's Accufab (unless it stays on the car when sold)

thanks in advance


31-07-2010, 11:39 AM
thanks Tim, but it has to be a fully working plug and play one as it would, potentially be going onto Pete's car when the Accufab comes off.


31-07-2010, 11:42 AM
I guess on the basis I'm never going to sell my car and the S/c will never come off it you could buy mine. Ponder.............

£70 if you pick it up.

31-07-2010, 11:53 AM
anyone got a standard throttle body they no longer need (ie upgraded to Accufab or BBK?)

I may need one to px for Pete's Accufab (unless it stays on the car when sold)

thanks in advance


I have mine in the cellar.

I will try to remember and bring it with me.

31-07-2010, 11:56 AM
There you go sorted! :) Power of electrical communication. :D

I have mine in the cellar.

I will try to remember and bring it with me.

31-07-2010, 12:33 PM
A bit off-topic, but I have ordered a BBK unit and as soon it's installed I'll let you know how it goes.. :D

01-08-2010, 08:17 PM
I guess on the basis I'm never going to sell my car and the S/c will never come off it you could buy mine. Ponder.............

£70 if you pick it up.

I may take you up on that if I need it.

It will only be if I have the accufab from Pete, and needs to still have "the horse" on it!

Thanks Tim


01-08-2010, 08:20 PM
Yep, pony there. :D

.......and needs to still have "the horse" on it!