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View Full Version : Rear Springs available now £100.00 pair

07-09-2009, 10:58 PM
I have another batch of rear springs available should anyone need some.
These are modified not standard springs which are similar to the MK2 design, however the gap on the close wound coils has been increased slightly to allow more movement, and stops the coils touching when fitted to the car.
Since I fitted a set to my car, I have never felt the car bottom out on speed bumps and I get a much more comfortable ride.
I have 12 pairs available at a cost of £100.00 a pair this is a one off discounted price for 260 members only. Postage to mainland uk will be approx £10.00, but collection is possible by appointment.
At this price you can't afford not to buy them, if you should be unfortunate enough to have a spring break as I did recently, you'll realise just how scarce replacement springs are.
For further information please email: blackbetty260@googlemail.com or tel: 07790234451

Regards Steve (Black_Betty)

10-09-2009, 04:26 PM
Would these springs fit a Rover 75 V8 Tourer 2005.


12-09-2009, 12:29 PM
Hi, I'm not 100% sure of the difference (if any) to the ZT260 Saloon springs and the Rover 75 Tourer version.
As far as I can remember I think the only difference was that the tourer had only 3 tight coils where as the saloon has 4?
Perhaps someone else in the club might be able to shed more light on the matter?

12-09-2009, 05:20 PM
Steve can you go more into the ride difference between the original and new modified springs?

13-09-2009, 07:06 PM
Sure Tim,
The old mk1 springs gave a really bumpy ride, letting you feel every little pothole and road defect.
Since buying Black_Betty from new I've always bottomed-out on the speed bumps on the approach to my house, this no longer happens since I fitted the modified springs.
When I showed my Spring man the original broken mk1 spring and explained the difference to the mk2 version, he commented on the very close proximity of the tighter coils saying that when compressed these tighter coils would undoubtedly touch, making them more or less useless and putting more strain on the remaining part of the spring (which is the part that breaks)?
We therefore decided to add more space to the tighter coils allowing them to move freely (and not touch each other) when fitted.
The result is a far superior ride to the old mk1 version.
These modified springs are made from high quality 15.2mm diameter spring steel, and take less than an hour to fit (no spring compressors needed).
They are also a fraction of the price that Eibach are holding us at ransom for?
Let's remember that before the downfall of MG Rover, you could buy replacement springs for £175.00 pair (supplied to MG Rover by Eibach). These were made by Eibach who now want to charge us £550.00 a pair simply because they know you can't buy them from anywhere else?
This is the second batch I've had, but made to the same spec as the ones I fitted to my car 3 months ago, I've got 9 pairs left if anyone else is interested? I have sold 3 pairs this week, one of which is destined for Australia!
I understand there may be purists out there that only want to fit genuine MG Rover parts, but if your springs break and you fail an MOT, you have 3 options:
1. Pay top whack to Eibach.
2. Have an expensive ornament parked outside your house.
3. Be back on the road for £100.00?

I know what I'd do?

Steve Lunn

13-09-2009, 09:11 PM
There is nothing wrong with my rear springs, but the difficulty and expense in sourcing some parts leads me to be inclined to take the opportunity to collect spares for sensible money when the option arises.

I understand the ride is improved with the removal of the tightly spaced section of the spring, but would this have any affect the way the car handles when it's being put through it's paces?

How common is rear spring failure anyway?


13-09-2009, 09:13 PM
How common is rear spring failure anyway?

On Mk1's pretty high, on Mk II's much less so

13-09-2009, 11:26 PM
The Aussie ones are mine! I checked 206 when I was cleaning the foot and mouth out of the wheel arches and found she does have Mk1 springs! Pity the springs missed the boat - now I have to pay the postie top whack instead of Eibach!

14-09-2009, 07:26 AM
No difference at all, in fact I'd say a little better!
Betty get a good spanking at least once a week and she still sticks to the road like sh*t to a blanket! :D

Mike H
15-09-2009, 08:54 AM
Do your springs change the ride height? If they do the tracking will need adjusting which is not possible on mine at the moment as the adjusting bolts are seized and cannot be removed.

15-09-2009, 12:07 PM
Steve, Please put my name on a set

EDIT: Sorry Steve I forgot Brian already has a set put aside for me.

Sorry again

18-09-2009, 12:17 AM
No difference at all, in fact I'd say a little better!
Betty get a good spanking at least once a week and she still sticks to the road like sh*t to a blanket! :D

Well i'm glad to hear the handling isn't affected. I have discovered i have the old style original springs, with the closer coils at the bottom touching each other, so probably not doing anything, and looking a bit like rust may be starting to set in.

Thinking it's sensible to get a set just incase the originals do give out, but I am also interested to see if ride height is altered by these springs over the originals?

19-09-2009, 05:39 PM
Hi Steve,
Did you receive my e-mail requesting a pair??

Mike H
20-09-2009, 09:40 AM
I'll buy a set if you can confirm the springs are the same height as the old.

20-09-2009, 06:17 PM
Better put me down for a pair if you have any left please.



20-09-2009, 07:38 PM
Steve looking at the invoice for the SC from Dreadnought my car had new springs last year

I haven't looked at them yet but I hope they are still in one piece
I will find out when I have a go at the virtually non existent handbrake but for now I will pass on the pair I provisionally reserved thanks.

Big Frank
25-09-2009, 04:54 AM
Hi Steve,

I overseas on business at present but have just seen your offer of new rear springs. Can you booking me in for a set please? I'll be back in the UK on the 6th October ut you can reach me on frankjohnsfja at hotmail.com (frankjohnsfja@hotmail.com)

Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

Best wishes Big Frank.

Big Frank
25-09-2009, 05:00 AM
Hi Steve,

Not too sure if my last reply got through but can you put me down for a set of rea springs for my MK1 ZT 260SE? I'm away on overseas business at present but you can get me on frankjohnsfja at hotmail.com (frankjohnsfja@hotmail.com)

Many thanks, Big Frank.

13-10-2009, 11:07 PM
Steve do you have any left?

14-10-2009, 03:32 PM
Yes I do, but not sure how many pairs till I get back at the weekend.
Will let you know then.



26-10-2009, 07:15 PM
I only have two pairs left if anyone is interested, this is the last of them.

I will be able to get more in the future, but next time I will need a deposit and confirmation before I place my next order as there is a minimum order of 12 pairs.

Mike H
26-10-2009, 10:24 PM
Are they the same ride height?