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20-12-2013, 12:32 PM
Well it's 1 year and 1 day since picking up my 260 and what a pleasure it's been to own! Cost so far about £11 on a breather pipe a gold resistor and 2 tyres not bad for a 10 year old car. The car has lived up to all my expectations and more in fact
It's been a blast, a film shoot for fith gear a visit to Longbridge and 4500 effortless miles even the fuel consumption has not been bad best 28 worst 14 average 24 so if there's anyone out there on the fence jump in you'll love it.
Thanks to everyone who has helped me by sharing there knowledge on this excellent fourm keep up the good work and long live the mg zt V8.
Merry Christmas and a happy & trouble free year to you all


20-12-2013, 12:36 PM
Well done John :thumb

Zt pony
20-12-2013, 04:21 PM
Great to hear some " uplifting " positive news for a change !!! Glad somebody is happy with their 260, with no tales of woe !

It gives one hope !!!

Post your good news on piston heads etc..to "cheer up " our car's profile a bit !!

Happy Xmas !!


Well it's 1 year and 1 day since picking up my 260 and what a pleasure it's been to own! Cost so far about £11 on a breather pipe a gold resistor and 2 tyres not bad for a 10 year old car. The car has lived up to all my expectations and more in fact
It's been a blast, a film shoot for fith gear a visit to Longbridge and 4500 effortless miles even the fuel consumption has not been bad best 28 worst 14 average 24 so if there's anyone out there on the fence jump in you'll love it.
Thanks to everyone who has helped me by sharing there knowledge on this excellent fourm keep up the good work and long live the mg zt V8.
Merry Christmas and a happy & trouble free year to you all


20-12-2013, 07:22 PM
Great to hear some " uplifting " positive news for a change !!! Glad somebody is happy with their 260, with no tales of woe !

It gives one hope !!!

Post your good news on piston heads etc..to "cheer up " our car's profile a bit !!

Happy Xmas !!


I think most of the cars are like mine to be honest let's face it people only post when they have a problem, how many times have you been back to the shop you bought your shoe's from to tell them how comfortable they are? The grand total I have spent this year on my diesel zt and 260 is £25 but I know that eventually I will have to spend that's life, can't say I am looking forward to it though!


Big Dave
21-12-2013, 08:02 AM
Glad you're loving the car John.

i remembered the anniversary of selling it to you and still wish I hadn't done but at least it went to someone who will continue to keep it in tip top condition like I did and the owner before me.

I'm driving a V8 again but now it's a Range Rover Vogue TDV8. Very nice in every way but its not quite No 88 in the special way if that makes sense.

take care pal.