The Two-Sixties


Please be aware all visual content on this website is copyrighted to its respective owners and although we make every effort to link back to original content this is not always possible. If you own rights to any of the images displayed and do not wish them to appear on the website, please contact us to discuss removal. All visual content on this website forms part of the vital research necessary in order to maintain an accurate record of the very limited MGR 260/R75 V8 range of vehicles produced and is sourced exclusively from publicly available material found on the internet.

Most viewed - Gaydon Motor Heritage Museum - MG Fest
Pict1157.jpgMG Fest 0838 viewsreverie158
Pict1153.jpgMG Fest 0834 viewsreverie158
Pict1155.jpgMG Fest 0834 viewsreverie158
Pict1129.jpgMG Fest 0831 viewsreverie158
Pict1135.jpgMG Fest 0831 views<David Attenborough voiceover>

A solitary shape on the horizon, pauses to graze before heading back to the salon... ;)
Pict1143.jpgMG Fest 0829 viewsreverie158
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